
Do You Agree That Indian Businessmen Should Take Over The Governance Of India From The Politicians??

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I was thinking that the businessmen/entrepreneurs of India are the ones that have the true power to help India and to lift it out of poverty....Afterall they are the ones that have the financial means to build shelters for the homeless and for the cows, to provide food/clothing and soap to the poor....They are also the ones that have project managament skills that are needed in order to develop the country in terms of infrastructure, roads and professional systems of governance etc etc etc..

Whereas in contrast most of the politicians are corrupt, uneducated and are destroying the country in the name of secularism by l*****g the butts of the minorities. The politicians are all unprofessional duffers that lack any credible skills and know how which is vital to help India today.....

Indian businessmen are the only ones that are in a position to ameliorate the illiteracy of India by providing education and training to millions of people..unlike the illiterate politicians.




  1. vow! what a grt idea. constitution of india wiil need to be changed then. tenders will need to be passed, as to who should rule india, and then then the whole country be given on lease for 5 years to a capitalist.

  2. 100% I agree with you.

    This is the only  way to curb curruption and encourage recreation and build India the most useful and poverty less country.

    Note : -  As such we do not have any one to make the common and uncommon people to follow the rules and regulations laid by the Government.

    I hope with GOD that, It can happen in India after Businessmen take over the Government.

    God bless you.

  3. yes , the Britishers finished their turn of robing India, then it was turn of politicians to loot country, and now u r suggesting businessmen should loot, good thoughts

    let anil ambani, tata, bajjaj etc loot the remains of the country


  5. You are thinking too late. Businessmen have alreday taken over the charge of governnace either directly or through their men.

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