
Do You Agree That The Only Person That Can Truly Help You Is Yourself???

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When faced with troubles,worries,fears do you rely on others to give you the answers or do you make you're own mind up.....




  1. It is true that you need other people to help you in times of problems and confusion. You need them to give you advice and guidance. However, even if you have the whole world to help you, nothing will happen if you yourself do nothing about the situation. When given an advice, it's still up to you if you're going to listen to it or not. What you think about the situation is also very important. Even if the dilemma that you used to have is already solved, you'd still be bothered by it if your mind keeps on saying that there's still a problem.

  2. I have always thought annoys me when people instantly turn to councillors or psychiatrists when they are down or depressed....I went through a bout of depression and fixed it myself with no pills or help....YOU have to sort yourself out...

  3. Generally yes - and given that we tend to be our own worst enemies we don't usually do a good job of helping ourselves.

  4. I generally agree with that because life is a matter of choice!To rely on others to give you answers is a choice you make!

  5. I make my own mind up, sometimes after discussion with others and/or doing research - it depends upon the problem.

  6. Its always good to get advice from some one on the outside looking in..

  7. Absolutely!

    The only person that can truly help yourself is - YOU!!! You are the architect of your life and the master of your soul. No one will ever lead your way but you alone. If you want people to help you - first and foremost it must come to you. You should be the first to help yourself. Unless you have a respect to your being then it is the only time you could rely to other people.

    Trust and believe in yourself. Plan your life and make the baby step to have a big step for a leap of your life.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  8. I regard sympathy, advice, emotional support and the condescending, patronising baggage accompanying them as the unwanted crutches that suppress self-help.

    On the rare occasions I have found myself up against the ropes and uncertain which course of action to take, I follow Scarlett O'Hara's philosophy:

    'I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow.'

    Invariably a new day and a clear head will find a solution.

  9. Yes a positive attitude and a firm resolve accomplish our intentions by virtue of reasoning that a happy, composed and collected demeanour attract confidence from others.

    If one is tormented, however, then all the wisdom, love avail not if ones peace and tranquillity is looted by those who have much to profit from my ruination.

    Trespassing against anothers peace of mind is a sin.

  10. At the end of the Day, It Is Only You that can decide what you want to do.

    It Is Always Good To Talk Through your Problems with people you can trust.

    That way you can Take on board what others have said, then make your decision.

    I Always Make my own decisions,that way,

    If It Is The wrong one I Have Only myself to blame!

  11. Yes.  I can't stand relying on anyone else- I'm naturally impatient- and nobody ever cares about what you want doing as much as yourself!? You can seek help and answers from others- but deep down you have probably already decided what you are going to do- people just like to voice there problems and opinions- but never usually take anyone elses advice.

  12. i seek guidence from people who may have more experience, but ultermatly, i make up my own mind

  13. I believe that everything in your life is created by you, using your thoughts and your belief systems.  So if something isn't turning out as you would wish (troubles, worries, fears) then you yourself have created it- often unconsciously.  So the only person who can do anything about this, is you.

    You think your own thoughts, and your capacity to think is unlimited.  Other people may influence your thoughts and your belief systems, but it is up to you to decide whether you want to carry on using them.

  14. You can help yourself to some extent but it is always nice for other people to give a push in the right direction

  15. No, i think that god always helps when in difficulties. but there are times when people you never consdider your friends, helps.

  16. When dealing with problems it's always more than helpful to have others there to help you, but otherwise, the decision, your mind-frame, anything like that is up to you, and you alone.

  17. A lot of people aren't really capable of thinking their way out of problems. It's a mix-up of genes and environment. The only free will we have is to select our environment, but our determination to do so is already determined by genes and environment.

    Also, sometimes people just don't have the experience to make a particular kind of decision. I try to make my own decisions as much as possible, but I use this website a lot if I need advice.

  18. I look to myself to solve my issues, other people are great but your the only person that truly knows whats best for you and what you want from the situation. People have there own points of views and there own values, what suits them may not suit you. I;ll ask for someones opinion but i always make up my own ind on things!

  19. You actually posed 2 different questions, and I'm happy to answer both.

    No. I do not agree that the only person who can truly help you is yourself.

    Who we are right now and today, has much to do with what we have learned and even unlearned from our parents or caregivers. I'm certain that others can and do help us greatly.

    Part 2 of your question: When faced with troubles, worries, etc., do you rely on others to give you answers, or do you make your own mind up?

    I make my all final decisions in my life. We DO have control and the final say-so as to our course(s) of action. I listen to the advice, opinions, ideas, and suggestions given to me by others, but ultimately, I make up my own mind. I choose how to help myself, based on what I have learned from others as well as what I have learned from my own life experiences.

    Peace and happiness.

  20. Without motivation on our part even God will not help us.

  21. me myself and I. Always and forever.

  22. No i don't.

  23. I believe that as soon as a person makes a decision to get free, then God will help them get free, and we should give Him the glory for meeting us where we are at. There is no freedom for those who don`t want to be free, so in that sense we do have to help ourselves, by making the right decisions, as the power of choice is our God given right.

  24. I have learned to hear the advice of those I feel I can trust, but to listen only to my self's. There was a time when I would do neither.

  25. Well it is always good to have a friends opinion on a matter and also your own opinion is needed. I'm half and half, I lean more over to my friends because they give good advice :)

  26. Yes I agree, even if people do give you the answers it is still up to you to take their advice. No matter how much people help you, if you don't take it in, listen to them or believe the things they say, then there is no point.

  27. In my opinion, you make up your own mind. No-one knows you as well as you do so they can't truly help you the way you can help yourself. On the other hand, your parents/siblings know you really well and in most occasions would be willing to help you out :)

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