
Do You Agree W/ Rebirthing Methods?

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Just curious as to how many of you agree or disagree with the whole rebirthing method to 'resolve' attachment issues by pretty much suffocating the already-victim?

It's a load of c**p if you ask me & I hope they completely abolish it.




  1. I'm really suprised this is still legal!

    Although it may temporarily change the childs behavior (because they're afraid of having to go through something like this again), I seriously doubt that reinacting the birthing process is going to "heal" a child who has serious emotional and attachment issues. It seems like these parents and doctors are just looking for a 'quick fix", and aren't too concerned about the possible consequences.

  2. it still goes on and tax payers pay for it.  just about all attachment based therapy has some holding therapy, deep breathing, age regression... and target foster and adoptive kids and their parents.... here is on example in our local paper

    if you get to the part where the success all sit around the table and drink from baby bottles.. and the kicker is the guy holds no license in state, so no one will investigate....

    another link is

  3. That's horrible!

  4. It is sick and wrong. IMO, it is nothing more than Adoptive parents trying to do all they can to be a child's "real" parents and make the child forget about their original parents.

    I also think it is a form of child abuse and anyone practicing in this should be charged.

  5. Horrible practice.  I believe that honesty, and all parents working together, both the AP's and the bio ones would work better (in private adoption cases and as many foster cases as would be allowable with the safety concerns of the kids).

  6. Not only is it a "load of c**p," it's also very abusive and quite dangerous.  There is nothing therapeutic about abuse.

  7. Children are removed from homes due to dangerous surroundings.  It shouldn't be OK for them to be put right back in one, even if this time it's legal.

  8. No, I don't agree with it at all.

  9. Its just as wrong and repulsive  as a-moms taking hormones so they can lactate and breastfeed a-babies as well as women that breastfeed with breast implants.  Its just not good for the child and borderline insane. A woman that I know that had implants insisted on breastfeeding she now has a child with autism. Her husband believes it could be part of the reason because all implants leak somewhat. He tried to get her to stop and used to refer to it as TBM. Toxic breast milk because during the feeding and until about 30min.later the baby would break out in a mysterious rash. She just blamed it on something she was eating.

  10. Holy c**p!  I didn't know such a thing existed!

    This is deplorable!  How could anyone put their child through something so abusive and horrible??  I don't see how it would be helpful in resolving anything at all.  Poor kid!  Can you imagine how scared she must have been?  I hope that this is no longer legal.  And I hope those people ended up getting the harshest prison sentence available.  

    Sometimes I just can't wrap my head around the stupidity of people...

  11. no, it can be very dangerous if it isn't done right. I think a child died from that method. Or i can be confusing an eposide of law & order that touched on this subject and the child died. But, if you surround someone with blankets and press on them, especially a small child, someone can get hurt.

  12. it is a load of c**p. Therapy does not have to be like that. I was in a women's ministry that helped many women get past horrible life-controlling issues without some weird suffocation. Many women DO have to get in touch with their emotions that are buried deep down inside in order to get past their childhood. I was in there with a woman that was given up at birth, lived in 29 foster homes and was sexually abused in over half of those homes. She ended up being a prostitute and heroin addict most of her life, and gave her own children up as well. She had alot of baggage that controlled her through her whole life and she was able to finally let go of it. She was able to make peace with her past and move on to become a totally different person. It was very hard to imagine what she must have gone through as a kid and as an adult. There is help out there, I just don think that rebirthing is the answer.

  13. I've never heard of it, could you expand a little....

    But from what I read, it sounds cruel. It may change the child BEHAVIOR, but it's more important to heal the inside.

    I think the best therapy comes from love, discipline, security and understanding, not suffocation.

  14. Despicable practice.  I'm with you.

  15. That's horrible!  I can't believe people do that.  I certainly do not agree with it.  They should abolish it.  It is a form of torture...  it reminds me a little bit of "water boarding" (sp?).

  16. Yikes!  No!  That's an awful thing!   No legitimate psychologist/counselor would consider it!

    And yes, I remember reading where children have died from it.

  17. Hi Peaness,

    The practice should be illegal.  I find it disgusting trying to "rebirth" a child.  No matter what the aparents do they will never "replace" the child's mother and family.  It sounds like a form of child abuse.

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