
Do You Agree With Democrats About Corporate Taxes?

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Democrats claim that it's unfair that Corporations and Big Corporations pay ZERO taxes.

For once I agree with them, it's unfair that Corporations pay no taxes when the hard working people pay all the taxes.

We should eliminate income taxes for individuals as well, to equate it with corporate taxes, which is ZERO.

After all, isn't it Liberal philosophy to make all things equal. And nothing would be easier than to equalize the people's taxes with the corporation's taxes, which is ZERO !




  1. What's so funny about it is that individuals pay all taxes.  Yes, corporations write checks and send cash to government, but individuals are the actual payors of those taxes.

    But I guess if the sheep rally 'round the tax the corporations flag and it gets a politician another few years, go for it.

  2. You are absolutely correct.  Big corporations SHOULD pay taxes...  And they do.  If they have zero profit, they don't pay taxes, which is fair.  So what are you talking about?

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