
Do You Agree With New Cell Phone Laws?

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Personally, I do not mind the laws that enforce hands-free devices. I use them myself. Although many say that any phone conversation is too distracting. So is Music and Billboards. I am kind-of on a mission to point out (for those without hands-free devices) the BLIND SPOT caused by the ITEM AND HAND HELD TO THE SIDE OF YOUR HEAD!

How do you feel about that? Let me hear from you people.




  1. Yes I agree with you 100 percent and at the same time and the term "distracted driving" refers to anything that takes your eyes, hands, or mind off of driving.

  2. i think any type of talking on hands free or not phones are distracting... my dad was rear ended at 60 mph and is still disabled after 8 months and can prolly never be a firefighter again b/c the girl was on her cell phone. Your too distracted by the convo.. and the person on the other line cant tell you hey theres a car far up ahead stoped to turn [with blinkers on] maybe you should slow down! lol since that accident i dont use my cell while driving.. i'm a 20 y/o addicted to texting and since then i realized how distracted you get while talking.. texting... or even using bluetooth

  3. Yuppers, They are as dangerous as drinking and driving, and it should carry the same penalty for using one while driving. follow the link below to injury board, it'll make you think.

    quote from an injury board article.

    Using current cell phone usage estimates, researchers determined that drivers talking on their phones account for six percent of U.S. automobile accidents each year, killing an estimated 2,600 people and injuring 330,000 others. As a result, consumers spend an estimated $43 billion a year on the economic costs (medical bills and loss of life) of cell phone related accidents.

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