
Do You Agree With Pat Buchanan That McCain is Committing an Act of Treason? ?

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Who is Randy Scheunemann?

He is the principal foreign policy adviser to John McCain and potential successor to Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski as national security adviser to the president of the United States.

But Randy Scheunemann has another identity, another role.

He is a dual loyalist, a foreign agent whose assignment is to get America committed to spilling the blood of her sons for client regimes who have made this moral mercenary a rich man.

Do You Agree With Pat Buchanan That McCain is Committing an Act of Treason?




  1. NO!

    McCain 08!

    All your schemeing isn't going to change our minds!

  2. It's even more worrying that Randy Scheunemann is a committed PNAC founder, much like Bush's first cabinet that got us into war - Wolfowitz, Pearle, Cheney -all discredited now.

    This is evidence that McCain really does intend to continue Bush's policies of unilateral and preemptive war.

    The hundreds of thousands of lobbying fees he obtained from the nation of Georgia certainly is cause to call conflict of interest.

  3. Pat Buchanan is irrelevant today and has been for at least the last 10 years

  4. I absolutely agree

  5. Sure seems like it.

  6. I think you are exceptionally awaken and self-realized man but unfortunately the passage is a bit long for some people to read the whole of it.

    About the accusations of conspiracy - no conspiracy theory is a match for the accident where an electric circumcision device failed resulting in castration of the baby and the doctors performed a s*x-change procedure to avoid scandal.

    Try me - if you think you can pull out a lie more shocking than the facts I know I accept the challenge!

  7. NO

  8. I agree with Pat Buchanan on this, and many other things.

    Of course, those of us who agree with Buchanan are just a bunch of kooks.

  9. No, I don't agree.  This is another hair-brained conspiracy theory.  Everytime a war goes down, the anti-war loons and this country play connect the dots and find a way to get it back to Bush, and now McCain.  You can't blame all the evils in this world on a handful of people, especially on flawed premises.

  10. No, I don't think so, it is all politics.

  11. Both candidates are CFR traitors. At least John McCain actually went to war himself.  

  12. Oh, please.  Pat Buchanan is an idiot

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