
Do You Approve Of Obama's Stance On Abortion? ?

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On the fact that Obama signed against the Born Alive Protection Act? Meaning let the baby die if its born alive during a late term abortion, or if the baby has down syndrome let it die. Also Obama believes a late term aborted baby should only be considered as a fetus not a human. Does this Bother You?




  1. No it doesn't bother me. I'm pleased. Woman's body woman's choice!

  2. No way! It's horrible the way he wants babies that survive late term abortions to just be left alone to die. Thank God for the nurse that helped to at least get these unwanted babies some comfort while dying. I can't even imagine the horror.

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  3. Personally, the women that would go through with either of those are the ones who bother me. Just because something is available doesn't mean you should do it. Women have minds of their own, and should be able to know that those things aren't right, regardless of if the president or politicians support it.

  4. That's very sad. Let an innocent baby die because it SURRIVED an abortion? That's sick! Maybe people would LOVE to provide that baby a wonderful home. Disturbing to me.  

  5. Obama's morals are epic fail.

  6. It doesn't bother me as much as your distortion of the facts and willful ignorance.

  7. God, I hope he doesn't become president.  

  8. I am pro choice but anti Obama.

  9. There ARE no late term abortions!!!!!!!! Its illegal, unless it is to save the mother or the child has a terrible deformity. Also, Obama did not say "if your pregnant with a baby with down syndrome you have to have an abortion!" I seriously doubt Obama MADE that woman abort her baby, by law it was her choice. He simply left it up to the woman to decide. Believe it or not, some people are pro choice and don't judge those who do decide on abortion. I know I could NEVER have an abortion, but I'm not going to tell someone else that they can't. You know I'm getting sick of this campaign already. There is so much trash talking and twisting of words. Its ridiculous and childish! If McCain is really older and wiser he wouldn't have made a commercial comparing Obama to Paris Hilton, that is incredibly insulting. She has made pornography!!!  If you really want to help children from being aborted you would volunteer for foster care, and donate money to mothers in need. I'm sure you already do this though right? Just something to think about...

  10. I disagree with it. And honestly what will america be like with a president like him?

  11. What he did was make it a woman's choice, He was NOT involved in the case you mention. He heard testimony from this woman about abortions. Hardly the same thing at all. Reread the article. Your slandering a man (whom i dont like) for things you are grossly exaggerating and twisting. I am pro choice. I am also against late term and partial birth abortions. But even i cant agree with what you are ranting. You have taken one article and twisted it to the point of where it isnt true.  

  12. Your story is CORRECT

    Yes it does, then again that's just one of the VERY many things that bother me about obama (and all liberals for that matter).

    I am very much PRO LIFE (with some exceptions). I won't call it murder, but you are ending life, so I use the word "KILLING" to describe abortion. There are alternatives to abortion, people need to own up to their responsibility and choose one.

  13. i agree with sethle99

  14. what a **** en a*****e ugh b*****d that's not cool at all  

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