
Do You Believe In Creationism Or Evolution, Or Some Hybrid Thereof?

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Watched a fascinating programme (the 1st of 4) tonight on Charles Darwin but what theory do you subscribe to, Creationism or Evolution?

P.S. It's NOT my birthday!!! Thanks all the same.




  1. I believe we were created. I believe we have a spirit & a conscience...2 things evolution could never give us.

    It is more scientific to believe in creation as everything degenerates, nothing improves with time.

    When you have a shower take a good hard look at your body & ask your self how such an amazing & complex piece of equipment could evolve?

    2 eyes which work together, the whole digestive tract, skin, the amazing reproductive organs, blood is also the most amazing liquid [with solids].

    The simple answer is involving a question.

    How could humans evolve without a p***s & v****a? Impossible, they had to be there in the first place.

    So, yes, I totally believe in God who created us & gave us intelligence, a soul, a spirit, the ability to love, even though many of his creatures[this word comes from the same word as creation] have ballsed this planet up, have been bad examples of God & Jesus.

    I still believe there is a plan for this place & for each of us.

    It's not "Pie-in-the-sky stuff"'s simple & real, plus makes sense.

  2. Evolution.

    And by the way, Snizz, when I was a teenager FTW meant F*** The World, so be glad for that!

    Also: here's an interesting video:

  3. I've done regular studies @ it since '74

    Occasional earlier

    Even Richard (Dork) Dawkins defined biology as the study of species that give every appearance of having been designed for a purpose

    Simple reason, Dork - as I said direct to him, twice, on BBC Radio Merseyside - they WERE !!

    Fellow evo-loopy Prof Richard (Loopy) Lewontin admitted, "It's not that the evidence compels us: we simply can't allow a Divine foot in the door"

    Quoted him twice on too

    See many learned articles etc FREE @ - ACE search there !! - see their daily Answers show @ both

    & http://www.GenesisTV.TV - I'm sure both have archives of VoD

    Try The BBC Radio Merseyside Roger Philps phone-in

    0151 70 99 333, Tues 12-2pm


    As I said here too today:-

  4. I do believe we have evolved but i have to ask what was there before the "Big-Bang".....and how did that "Something" become to exist?....

  5. Why do creations always go on about apes becoming man. that was never said in Darwins work. OPPS sorry for ruining your watching of a programme. .  

  6. Evolution in the time since the earth has existed in mathmatically impossible.  There was definitly something greater at work.

  7. Easy.  Aliens brought their skill to the Earth to create modern man from pre-hominids.  How else explain the sudden shift from sub-human to human or the appearance of Cro-Magnon, modern Homo Sapiens?

  8. Happy Halloween.

    Sorry I forgot the pumpkin x

    PS to answer your question I would have to say there aint enough scientific evidence to support either theory so I would have to go with believing in a hybrid


    y would u believe in evolution!?!?!?

    that is just like saying a monkey can turn into a bird

  10. I just can't decide. My head says evolution, my heart says creationism.

    The older I get the harder it becomes.  I also toy with the idea of re-incarnation.

    As for the big bang, that leads onto the question of eternity and space.  What's space all about?  

    No I can't decide, don't really want  to either!!!  

    Prefer the mystery, the idea of creationism is very appealing but that brings me to Adam and Eve????????

    Good question though, and some very interesting answers.  Have a star.


    Haz you are a honey, you always make me smile.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚˜Âº

  11. i always find it amazing that creationists are outraged by the thought they evolved from apes, but think the idea that they were created from dust is far more acceptable and believable (thats what the bible says, ashes to ashes, dust to dust)

    can evolution be proved, it may be flawed - but look up 'microevolution' which supports the theory, evolution is based on the principal that within any population, there are a small number of abnormal mutations and if these mutations are somehow beneficial, these mutations will be passed on to the next generation, if you can physically seperate populations to prevent interbreeding, then these populations will evolve seperately according to the environmental pressures placed upon it.

    there was an experiment conducted where they took seedlings frm a relatively neutral saline salt environment and replanted them across the world in a range of different salinities - those that could not 'cope' died, but the surviving seedlings that could cope with high salinity passed on their genes which code for that ability - so within a few generations, the entire population in that environment had adapted to live in high saline conditions, similarly with  other environmental pressures.

    The Spartans has a theory that all children should be placed out in teh cold - the weak ones would die so the surviving ones would be strong warriors - survival of the fittest

    ok i am an athiest so you may say that I am biased, but evolution at least has some proof and makes logical sense, you may look at the body and say it is a miracle, but given infinite time surely infinite possibilities are possible infinitely

  12. Personally I lean towards the teachings of the Pastafarians in their Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster...

    It makes more sense to me than Creationism and ID and is much more fun that Evolution.

  13. I believe we were created. I don't necessarily believe there is a man with a white beard in the clouds that created us. It's too complex for the human mind to understand. Albert Einstein said that the more he studied the universe, the more he believed we were created.  

  14. Creationism

  15. Trekkism...**t...

    If it's not your birthday... then whose is it??

  16. Evolution, without a doubt.

  17. no proof of evolution, even have some scandles involved, with fake bones made of plaster.  no proof, none, at all.

    keep pushing God and God will push back

  18. i believe in a combination of both.

    we adapt as time goes by, but there had to be something that started us. the human body and brain are too complex to just be made by chance. and also our place in the universe and distance from the sun. its too perfect to have been by chance.

  19. I have always believed in Evolution, at least as soon as i was able to understand about it. we weren't  taught much about it at school, and that i think as the programme showed, was part of the problem.

    It was informative and i look forward to the other programmes. What surprised me the school children's ideas, that's the parents who have indoctrinated them into their beliefs, as opposed to them being able to make up their own minds, one way or the other.

    One thing that disturbs me about people who believe in creationism is their  blind faith, that some God made them, when  all the evidence, and there are billions of examples about how we came to be, is there for the asking. I believe that as scientists who will go on revising their data on the earth and some of its mysteries, we started as said, as bacteria, and evolved through billions of years of the evolutionary process to get where we are today. Darwin was not alone in his beliefs, but he was the one who made it possible for man to step forward, without his knowledge, expertise we would still be in the relatively speaking dark ages as to our history.

  20. Evolution, no question, proven beyond any possibility of doubt.

    BATTIE - "Monkey that turns into a bird". Have you seen a flying fox? A squirrel like creature with skin between its legs so it can glide? Or a flying fish, fish with elongated fins that can actually take to the air? Or have you watched sea birds that dive into the sea and hunt under water by flying? If you viewed evolution with an open mind instead of knee jerk "I'm not descended from monkeys" nonsense and actually READ what it is about.

  21. Neither. We are not originally from this planet. We come from space. That's why humans don't quite fit in with the animal kingdom. We have not developed defenses the way other animals have to protect them from big predators. We don't have speed either. No human would last long in the wilderness or the ice no matter how well trained to survive.

    No way we are from the Earth originally.  

  22. Evolution.

  23. Evolution. There's more than enough evidence to support it.

  24. Evolution. May be wrong, also fairies may be living in the bottom of my garden. Anythings possible...

  25. I believe in Creation.  In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.

  26. Evolution is fact.  Creation is myth.

  27. 100 percent Evolution. I'm in awe of Charles Darwin and visited his birthplace last week cos I'm a sad cow...

    Imagine being the person to think of that, to work all that out.

    There was a doc on I think last year about the Galapagos islands and that was fantastic for explaining the more knotty points that I couldn't get my head around.

    Haven't watched the prog yet as beloved and I can't watch things like that without killing each other..we started arguing about Richard Dawkins yesterday afternoon so we thought it best to record and watch separately.

    EDIT-Aurora..Did my husband make you say that? Have you been having secret chats? lol....x

  28. Evolution FTW

    OMG I hang out with too many teenagers!!!

  29. Which does one prefer?


    With the Book of the Living?

    To be a "Better man" as the Son of God?

    With success in honouring and worshipping God?

    Or prefer evolution?

    With the Book of the Dead?

    From the graveyards of failures and horrors of the past?

    Of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom with self lack of knowledge?

    Being " Reincarnated" as the Dead Mummy?

    Risen up from the graveyards of failures and horrors of the past?

    From someone else graveyards?

    Being created to be Son of a dirty old man from someone else graveyards?

    Eerily wailing in ghostly kitchen's dialect with ghostly and deadly words from someone else graveyards?

    In kicking the butts of God in not worshipping God?

    Living in misery as "I was a cave-men with club on the shoulder" from the twilight zone with self lack of knowledge in different time zone?

    Getting kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God?

    With the blind blindly following the blind with self lack of knowledge too?

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Leviticus 4. 13, 22

    What do you think?

  30. I believe in Creationism.  Evolution does not explain how the big bang theory started.  Someone or something as they say caused it.  I believe the Bible even tho there are several who do not.  To many prophecies have came to pass.    

  31. creationism is a beleif of myth and lies, chinese whispers.


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