
Do You Believe Now That With The VP Candidates Selected The Race Between BO and JM is a Toss Up?

by Guest67035  |  earlier

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The Dem ticket does not have single White Protestants although they constitute more than half of the population. First time in the history of America such thing happened.




  1. How is it a toss up, Sir?

    This race is over.

    Good bye honorable Barack Hussein Obama.

  2. No.  I think the VP selections give Obama a definite edge.  I don't think Americans really care whether the candidates are Protestant or Catholic.  Biden brings much more to Obama's ticket than Palin brings to McCain's.

    Edit: Lieberman is a Jew.  My point is that Americans don't really care about different brands of Christianity.  Also, I don't think Lieberman cost Al Gore the election, poorly designed ballots in Florida did.

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