Our World,Our Planet Earth is divided into nations as has always been throughout centuries of human existence.Wars have been fought between these territorial entities at the cost of human lives.We as human beings divided by destiny into religions,regions,nations,cultures and other affiliations have killed each other and continue to do so only to appease our chauvinistic attitudes in respect to our identities vis-a-vis those who are not akin to our way of life.We have been divided throughout our history and it's high time that we,the people of Earth unite together to create a common nation representing all of mankind,representing our entire planet-A Democratic,Secular Republic Of Earth to usher in peace and progress between everyone and create a common order in which the sovereignty of our Entire Planet lies with the whole of human race.Do You Believe in This idea?I came across a Facebook Group trying to espouse this idea,if you like it,like I do,you can join as well.