
Do You Believe that Al Gore Deserves His Nobel Peace Prize?

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Do You Believe that Al Gore Deserves His Nobel Peace Prize?




  1. Yes-sir-ee.

    I've been trying to get people to care for years...that movie made it very easy for people to see phenomena in a very easy to comprehend way.....and when people understand things, they aren't as likely to reject them as foolish or impossible now, are they?

  2. This is why everyone takes the Nobel Peace Prize as a joke. I don't see why award the supposedly most prestigious award to a guy that made a movie that's scientifically inaccurate.

  3. yes the book was a great asset to this country.

  4. I don't see how holding global warming seminars has anything to do with promoting peace.

  5. For what? what has he done for this world to make it better.. i don't think so... yeah the guy talks all this c**p about the global warming but yet he has his own private jet come on... i'm sure i haven't heard him on the news for being a world helper... that's all i gotta say about that...

  6. Remind me... what war was he helped avert to win the Nobel PEACE prize?  It's all a politcal statement, just like most of Gore's entire agenda.

  7. yes,because global warming is happening but dum people dont want to realize. That's why, the world is so mess up because of people who take everything as a joke.He is the only one that i see cares about our universe and everything in nature besides stupid politics that only know how to mess up the world even more.People open your mind and eyes dont be so stupid!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. No.

    I think climate change is important, and the human race is the reason that there is the dramatic rate of climate change that we are seeing now (climate change has never occured this quickly before, except once, if indeed a meterorite hit the earth and killed the dinosaurs).

    Al Gore did the right thing by being one of the many people to raise awareness of climate change, and more imporantly, the rapid rise in temperatures that has never happened before.

    But, he has done nothing regarding peace.  And for that, I do not think he deserves the Nobel PEACE prize.

  9. no, i believe, as a knowing willing conspirator of the clinton..."legacy" he belongs in jail

  10. No, because Global Warming is a load of c**p.  Yes, it's warming, our planet goes through cycles.  It happens, there's nothing we can do about it.  The other planets in our solar system are experiencing the same warming trend, and to my knowledge we've yet to discover SUVs and industrial smelters on Mars.

  11. absolutely not...all he did was narrate a movie?! he didnt write it, research it...nothing! just read a script! what a kick in the face to all those other people out there who have dedicated their lives to their causes...only to be underminded by a star struck pannel of peace prize judges.

  12. He and bill clinton blew off the Kyoto treaty when they were in power...

    NO this is all media manufactured blitz.  Ever since Arafat got a NPP, it's been WORTHLESS.  

    In fact the best way to get a NPP is for a tyrant to kill a bunch of people and then stop killing them, as if said dictator is reformed.

    And so NOW what about global warming, did you notice NO SCIENTISTS WILL STATE HOW MUCH CO2 MITIGATION WILL COOL THE EARTH??  Man's contribution is a co-factor, because 1) the Earth has warmed before and 2) Venus lost its water by warming without industry and 3) Mars is if Man is contributing, that doesn't mean that stopping all CO2 is going to cool the Earth, in fact GW scientists state that it will do nothing, it's unstoppable for 500 years.  This is all profiteerism, Alt-E is the next BIG OIL.

    Al Gore is a hypocrite. He lives in mansions and flies in jets and wastes so d**n much energy it's not funny, and YOU PAID FOR THEM because he ripped off Americans by selling the Strategic Naval Oil Reserves which profited his OWN company, Occidental Petroleum hundreds of millions of dollars.  He's also profited from strip mining.  

    Nobel PEACE Prize?  The UN won too, the same UN that's not defending Sudanese Christians from being slaughtered by Muslims in Darfur.  Peace?  Al Gore?  During Clinton's administration 800,000 were slaughtered in Rwanda.  

    Further, he's proposing YOU pay for carbon offsets that HIS companies will sell.  If you do not pay, there will be carbon fines, fees, taxes, and perhaps property seizure.  They will start measuring your "carbon footprint" and make you pay cash---as if that makes any sense at all.  

    It's all profiteerism.

  13. This is why the Nobel Peace Prize is a JOKE...

    Even Yasser Arafat won it and Arafat was the biggest terrorist of his day...

  14. Sure.  He's a good part of his life spreading the msg.  Just hope politicians listen.

  15. Oh yes!, to Hypocrisy.

    He surrendered the presidency ,that thereafter created all of the nightmare that we are all currently submerged in it!

    Nobel prize! gimme a break!

  16. Sounds like you don't. Do you plan to burglarize his place and steal it?

  17. about as much as those other bums Arafat and kofi Anan and Carter? GOD give me strength.

  18. Al Gore deserves some global warming

  19. EDITED TO ADD: Thanks for your message Alucard:

    >>> From: Alucard

    Subject: *sigh*


    "Actually, it doesn't matter if I agree or not. The Nobel Foundation is a private organisation and they can give their prizes to whoever they want!"

    Nobody is questioning what they can't or can do or if they are a private institution or not. People are questioning if they should or shouldn't have made the choice they made.

    Try thinking about things next time.

    Cheers :-)  <<<

    You've really helped focus my mind .... so let me see, thinking about it HARD, I wonder why if people think the Nobel Prizes are a joke, you bothered to answer this question!!! After all, if no-one respects them, what's got YOU so hot under the collar?

    BTW, in case you missed the POINT, he won for awareness raising not his over-long and slightly boring film, or his American politics, which people elsewehere could care less about.

    Have a nice day now you hear :-)


    Actually, it doesn't matter if I agree or not. The Nobel Foundation is a private organisation and they can give their prizes to whoever they want!

    Cheers :-)

  20. h**l, NOT!!!

    Hypocrite Gore Should Practice What He Preaches.

    After an examination of his record, it becomes clear that Vice President Al Gore talking about science and technology is like Fidel Castro or Joseph Stalin talking about freedom

    and democracy - each knows little about of what he speaks.

  21. Personally no. He didn't deserves the Nobe Peace Prize. It was a pure gimmick by Al Gore. Funny when he was vice president he never mention global warming etc. This was done for self glory

  22. yes he invented the internetz

  23. Absolutely.  He has done an exceptional job publicizing a matter of extreme importance for all of humanity.

  24. h**l no, what did he do???did he stop a war?

  25. Al Gore won the majority of the USA popular vote and should ahve been president instead of that clan whose spoke-person is Bush.

    But the Noble Prize he did not deserve.

  26. I think he does... I might question his real motivations for what he is doing lately but the fact that it does work makes him worthy of the prize

  27. BIG NO. Its jus a political gimmick.

  28. Yes!...Beyond his efforts on global warming, he has been a public servant for most of his life.


  30. Yes he does deserve it.  He has worked hard and is making a better change for America.  If it was not him that won. Then it would have been someone else. Who ever that person was people have said oh that person did not deserve to win. Why can we all not be happy for the man.  His presidency was taking away by Bush, so why can we not just let the man have is Noble Peace Prize. He had worked hard and deserves it.

  31. I am dismayed this could happen when in his movie he distorted the presentations to aid his point.  They aren't going to recognize this but award him?  

    It's basically a plan to give work to certain Industries. As is the 'war' game.

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