
Do You Drink Alot????

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How much is TOO much?!??!!?





  1. Yes.

  2. Define "alot"

    I drink more than some, less than others.  Usually I'll only have one or two a couple of times a week, more at parties.

    If you're getting drunk every day, it's too much.

  3. no. drinking is g*y!!

  4. Try to drink at least 6 beers per day for maximum coolness. Drinking is a good way to meet girls and it helps you look cool in the mirror. Be careful not to drive your car when you drink, ride your bike or call a taxi. Also, try drinking then playing video games if you are a teenager, that is a lot of fun. When you get old you have to drink because you are depressed.

  5. I do not think I drink a lot.

  6. I had one drink on my anniversary in june. one for my birthday in january. before that, i got drunk a year ago at my reception. i guess i drank too much before i turned 21. now its just not fun. By too much i mean every weekend.  i went to every party i could in high school. almost got a bad rep. still kept my grades up and graduated second in my class. but i almost never drink now

  7. i never drink

  8. When I was in college I practiced binge drinking and yes it was  alot and too much.

    Nowadays I stick to 1-2 a day, unless it is a special occasion.

  9. hmm whats alot

    please answer my question;...

  10. To much would be considered more than 1-2 drink a day for women and 2-3 a day for men.

    I practice moderation and drink on average 2 beers a day. Some days I have 3...some 4. More often than not I have 1 or 2 and am done.

  11. Too much...LOL

  12. i've realized i drink to much and depend on alcohol more than i should.

  13. i drink about 5 a day. too much is to the point where ur puking, or don't remember anything. or waking up the next day hungover, and having to recover from...drinking TOO much. that's how you know. your body will not hesitate from letting you know that you've had too much.

  14. Its too much when the alcohol is a fundamental part of your life. When having a drink isn't an option or a possibility but an absolute must.  It's also too much when the alcohol is damaging your body or you aren't drinking to relax but to numb pain or feelings of depression.

    Alcohol doesn't fix anything. The moment you try to use it for that, you're abusing it.

  15. Depends on the drink, alcohol content, body mass, and age.  Basing on that well...  12oz 80 proof liquor

    100 pounds=1-2 drinks before abilities impaired

    120 pounds=1-2.5 drinks

    140 pounds=3 drinks

    160 pounds=3 drinks

    180 pounds=3 1/3 drinks

    200pounds= 3 1/2 drinks

    Hope that helps

  16. Drinking is okay for occassions but some peoples occassion happens to be everyday. me on the other hand ii don't drink really anymore, because dec. 30- til Jan. 2 it put me in a coma. my alcohol level was 11 over 6 +nd thats pretty d**n bad. drinking can really cause damage to your kidneys. light drinks such as coolerz, mikes hard lemon ice tea, +nd smirnoffz are very good, but hard drinks such as vodka +nd tang can get you really F'd up +nd u myt not be making it to your bed, drinking is very risky

    here are some blogs that may help you

  17. Never! I can't think of a single advantage that doesn't have atleast one or two disadvantages attatched! Why can't people just drink milk...

    btw... this question gets me to level 3!:D thanks!

  18. like everyday

    is that to much??

  19. The government defines over 5 alcoholic beverages in a night binge drinking.  More than one night of binge drinking in a 1 to 2 week period is considered abuse.  When alcohol effects more than two basic aspects of life it is considered alcoholism.

    This may put many people, even me, into categories that may seem extreme, but the government aims low.
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