
Do You Ever Have Suicidal Thoughts?

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Lately I have become overwhelmed with suicidal fantasies. My low-paying job, my debt, my financial dependence--all these things are making me crazy and fearful. I used to do cocaine and I smoked cigs for 10 years. I used to binge drink every day almost; I smoked weed and popped pills. Maybe all that stuff messed up my brain? I quit everything like 5 years ago, but still.

But anyway, I'm having major, persistent suicidal thoughts lately, and the main reasons are my stressful, minimum wage job, and my complete financial misery. I do not make enough money to live on, and I cannot see a way to do so. Premonitions of homelessness, shelters, and soup kitchens cloud my thinking daily.

Does this ever happen to you? How do you overcome it? Thanks.




  1. My best advice to you would be see a psychologist and ascertain the degree of your depression.  Most depressions can be treated with medication.  Once you are out of the depression, then you can take steps to put your life back in order.  I think it is the state of depression that has your life in disarray.  

    Good luck.  I wish you the very best.

  2. If you see how bad your situation is then look at ways you could improve it. A new job and one of those agencies that are suppose to help with debt. Everyone has low moments in their lives. Alot of us have thought of suicide. But there are better ways. Talk to a trusted friend about how you feel and maybe you can put your head together and think of some choices that you haven't thought of. All in all I wish you the best sweetie. Keep your head up and God bless.

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