
Do You Ever Let Friends Ride Your Horses? (more inside)?

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I was wondering how many people let their inexperienced (with horses) friends ride your horse.

*Not just any friends, of course, but the ones you trust (selective)

If you do, what do you usually let them do?

And, do you think my friends would be offended/bored if I lunged them instead of letting them have total control?




  1. i would definately let them ride my horse but i would not let them do anything more than a slow trot, my friends might moan but it is for their own safety and the safety of my horse too, because if anything happened to my horse i would never forgive my friend.

    and i dont think it would be boring been on the lunge they should be grateful some people wouldnt let anyone near their horse.

  2. I most likely wouldn't let my friends off of the lunge line if i owned a horse, because none of my friends are experienced with horses.

    But my friend owns a horse and lets me ride her whenever i want, though i choose not to usually (horse is extremely difficult to ride, and untrained)

    but i suppose i'm a much better rider then my friend is, so it's not like i don't know how to handle her horse.

    i can understand if you were to not let your friends ride though.

  3. heyy.. yeah i let my friends ride my horsee :) they dont get offended if i lunge them sometimes becuase well i dont wwant them to like run my horse around and get thrown off. :P . i usually like teach them through it tho and let them walk around do some trott and go around bareback :) its funn  

  4. Monica;

    This is from a 41 year old gal who's given riding lessons before.

    The answer is in finding out your friends' goals - do they just want to get on and ride the horse or do they really want to learn about it?  Also in how well your horse is trained.

    Too often people feel as if a horse is just a big dog - heck ya just get on and ride, don't ya?  I have friends and relatives who've taken quite some offense at my unwillingness to allow them to get on my horse and ride - I mean come on, they've ridden before don't ya know.  Some "friends" I have say "when are you going to invite me to go riding" and when I tell them I don't have a horse for them to ride they seem dumbfounded because geez, I have six, whaddya mean nothing I can ride, don't you ride them?

    If your horse is very well trained to the point that you would trust them with any kid regardless of experience, that's one thing.  There aren't many horses of that caliber and the ones that are should be considered worth their weight in gold.

    I would suggest you ask any friend you might wish to extend the offer of riding what their knowledge is and goals are.  Then starting them out in a round pen or lunging isn't a bad option.  Perhaps a full discussion of how horses are NOT 1200 lb dogs nor are they people nor do they think like dogs or people may be in order.  People all the time come over just to pet them and they say things like "OH, she's lonely, you should turn her out with the others" regarding the foal I just weaned from her mother.  I don't go to their house and tell them how to handle their dogs and I don't tell them how to handle their kids.  I get thoroughly disgusted sometimes too - here's an instance.  A friend of a brother-n-law came by to see the horses. She immediately stuck her nose up to my filly's nose then slapped at her when she nipped.  I asked her to back up after which she replied that she knew what she was doing, she'd been around horses before.  My reply was that I am responsible for her safety and the safety of my horse - that I do not slap them after offering my nose to bite nor do I pay medical bills for people who got their noses bit off after I'd asked them to back away.  The result was a hasty departure.  I probably seem like a ***** to her, but I don't care _ I don't need my filly I've worked hard to get on the ground to become headshy from some ingnorant person who professes to know it all - and I don't need to lose my farm and all my animals because someone like that gets bit then wants to sue me because they are ignorant.

    I know I'm probably pushing the envelope with these examples, but they are meant to show you how easily a horse can get messed up and how easily a seeming nice one can hurt someone without ever intending to.

    People who come to ride your horse should never be allowed to do so without their parent's permission - preferably with the parents in attendance the first time.  After getting the permission and explaining how simple things can result in injury should be the next step.  Then ensuring that your friend needs to listen to you.  Then, when you feel they have learned enough to ride out on their own should you allow it.

    Trust me, a true friend will understand your care and concern for their own safety and the safety of the luxury you have in your horse.  The horses should be viewed as exactly what they are - a luxury.  Often young people think they can gain friends by offering use or experience of such luxuries to less fortunate children.  This is NOT the way to make friends - it should be reserved for sharing with only your most trusted friends who respect you and what you've got and understand why you control the experience so well.  

  5. I only let trainers ride my horse. He's too unpredictable for anything else. I also don't want somebody coming along messing up or dulling my cues or confusing my horse or getting in his mouth. It would be totally different if he was seasoned and finished, but he's not. If someone really wants to ride my horse, I'll lead them around. I haven't offended anyone yet ;-)

    I have one selective friend I've known for 32 years whom I completely trust and she trains, too. I let her ride him when I'm around.

    It's a privilege to ride another person's horse. I don't think they'd be offended, if they're really good friends. If they're bored lunging then they probably have in mind doing some things you most probably don't want them doing with your horse anyway :)

  6. This decision is totally up to you. If you feel that they are too inexperienced to take full control, then lunge them. Even if you trust them, you do what you think is best. If your friends are objective to it, put your foot down. You have to also think about what is best for the horse, because their safety should be your first priority. Go with your gut feeling. If your friends improve, then you may want to consider having them take control.  

  7. I let them ride but they sign a waiver.  I only have one "beginner" type horse the rest require some experience so, if they didn't know how to ride they could only ride my little mare.

  8. Growing up & now we always have a starter horse that everyone is pretty safe on.  Then the starter horse would fallow the horse I was on. Just explain nicely that you are going to help them along the way on telling how to do things. & They understood the basics.  If you don't/can't trust the horse then may be different. Now if it is a child then yes I would keep the lead line on.  

  9. I don't have horses but if I did I would trust them enough to listen to me when I give them directions if they have not rode on horses before.  

  10. i'm so glad you asked this question i was just think about it thats so weird but i was wondering the same thing b/c i'm going to have my friends over tomorrow at the barn and i wasn't sure if i should let them ride or not but this question helped me thanks

  11. I let my friends ride my horses sometimes when they want to. but remember, this is YOUR horse. it doesnt matter if they get bored through your 30 minute lecture on what not to do while up there. if they dont want to listen, then you dont want to let them on. it helps if your horse is fairly calm and can put up with beginner riders.

    as for what do I let them do? if they have never ridden, or have only ridden a few times, a walk and trot. nothing more. and I am always in the roundpen with them. if you have seen them ride before and think they can lope, then use your best judgement. but remember, it doesnt matter what they think or want. that is YOUR horse

  12. I know a lot of people are being a lot nicer to me ever since I got a horse and if someone comes to ride I will lunge them. I just don't trust them on my horse. They don't know how to ride and most I have found are using me. You know, they love horses, want to ride for free so they are all nice.

    I would only walk/trot and I would only let them ride my mare. Not my gelding, who thinks he is all there.

    I don't trust people on my horses because the horses could pick up bad habits and such. One individual has been begging me and I might let her ride while I lunge but I would only let someone trail ride with me if I was on the gelding and I was leading the mare. (If you know what I mean)

    I just don't take chances for the safety of the horses. You don't know how hard they are kicking the horse or what not.

    I do have a friend who has ridden before so i will let her ride while I lunge just incase. I'm not mean, I just feel my horses aren't ready to be ridden by anyone else.

  13. It really depends. My friend who has riding experience is really the only one i let ride my horse. I am trying to decide whether my other friend with no horse experience. I totally trust her, but i am so overprotective of my horse.

    On day i was riding in the arena and this girl just randomly asked if she could try to gallop my horse. I i said h**l no. my horse is 20 and he is not used to wild 10 year old riding him.

    anyways it depends on the individual person and horse. Start by keeping them in a round pen or arena so they have more control. also maybe lead the horse while they are riding until they get the hang of it.

    EDIT: also what i do when even my friend with horse experience rides my horse, i dont just let her ride by herself. I walk along side her so my hrose if comfortable and then we trade off and she will walk when i ride. It works out that way. When i get a second horse we will both be able to ride our own horses.

  14. There is more to riding a horse than just getting on and going. It can also be dangerous for the horse as well as the rider if the rider is inexperienced and takes or has full control. If they are bored then they aren't interested in LEARNING the basic proper ways to deal with the horse and ride it. If they are offended then they don't respect the horse or their own safety. They need to understand that there is a lot to learn. I mean I don't own any horses and its been a loooong time since I rode but I know that you can't just jump on an go.

    I'm assuming your interested in letting your close friends ride?

    Start off slow. Teach em how  to approach, how to get on and off. Teach em how to go and stop, the basics. Just let em know they can't run and jump over hurdles or anything. Teach em how you were taught. ONE STEP AT A TIME! =)

  15. I've let my friends ride my horses, but only ones I trust that can be mature handling them. Normally if I am riding with friends that don't have experience I just ride along side them down a very familiar path for the horses. I don't know your friends so I can't say, but I know some people might be.

  16. Not without proper coverage on my homeowners insurance, and not without a copy of the Equine laws posted visibly for the rider to see.

    I let this jerk friend of my ex ride my horse. My horse generally won't hurt a fly. He threw this guy off him once the guy jumped on him and acted like he was Will Rogers or something.

    I hate to say it but my horse was an excellent judge of character.

    Just lunge them and tell them once they have proven themselves, you will lead them around, then after they do well with that, you'll let them ride around in the pen, then after that, maybe you'll let them ride alone.

    Don't do it now. You know you're asking for trouble.

  17. Actually, you'd be doing the right thing by lunging, or even walking them around at first.

    If your horse is good with beginners, there isn't anything wrong with offering to first *teach* an inexperienced rider some basics first.  And any true friend of yours, who honestly cares about things like safety and the animal's welfare would understand and not be offended.

    Your horse, and ultimately your responsibility, so your rules.  Anyone who gives you a hard time about it is not your friend.

  18. No I would unless they knew how to ride. But thats only becuase  my horses are not begginers horses, they are still in training. If they were finished training I probably would let a friend ride them. The only way i would let some one ride my horses is if they listened to everything I said, and rode in a helmet.

  19. If you feel you should lung your friend then do. Don't feel bad about it, i lung my parents. I tell my inexperienced friends to sit, not kick, and hold on while i take them around the ring. If i really trust my friend, i would let them walk around by them self then lung them when they want to trot.  

  20. i love my friends, even my experienced one, but i dont think i will let her. i just started leasing him and he doesnt FULLY trust me yet, so why confuse him and put a lot of other people on him too??

  21. in the bedroom?

    h**l no

    EDIT: Oh, come on. This answer is definitely not worthy of 14 thumbs down. You do mean sexual organs, right?

  22. My boyfriend had never ridden a horse before so I took him up to my yard and let him ride one of my horses. To start with I made him ride with no reins so he could get used to the movement of the horse so that he didn't jab on the reins. As he got more comfortable I gave him back his reins and he was perfect!!

    If you want to let a friend ride your horse make sure you take it slowly to get them used to it.

  23. Only if they're attractive

  24. You have to think about what is best for your horse and your friend.  I let my inexperienced friends ride my horses but only after they've had a few "test days" to get to know how the horse behaves etc.  I wouldn't put someone who doesn't know what theyre doing on your horse unless you have 100% trust in this person and your horse.  If your friends get offended when you tell them you would rather lunge them then they dont sound like the kind of people you want riding your horses in the first place.  I would definately talk with them about it and let them know that youre worried about their safety as well as your horses.

    :D Good Luck!

  25. if i had a horse, and  iwish i did, i would for sure let my friends ride.

  26. before i had a horse, my friend let me ride with her and she had two horses... then we just walked them and we went to an arena and she put me on a lungline after explaining it all so i could go faster and such... no hard feelings.

    also.. i let my friends with horses and intermediate/experience ride my mare whenever and i just tell them how to do something they want to do as they are riding...

    also.. i have a bunch of little neighbor girls who beg me to let them ride so i just lead them.. they are just happy to be able to ride.

  27. i used to let my friends ride my old horse, he was pretty good with them, but only a couple got too.

    i don't know if i would let my friends ride my new horse by themselves, just because hes BIG, 17.1 and kind of scares them sometimes. Not because he is mean, just his size. Most of my friends are pretty short like me. lol I might let them ride him on a lunge line though.

    and i don't they would be offended if you give them a good reason as to why you want them on a lunge line.

  28. well it depens how calm your horse is. my horse used to be great for beginers and all my friends used to hop on and have a go coz he would hardly get into a trot, but hes a bit more hypo now :S

    my gave my friend lessons on him and let her walk and trot by herself, but for the first time cantering i had her in the roundpen tho..

    she didnt take offence and your friends should trust your decision and should feel lucky enough that you are letting them even ride him

    you could let them have a few rides at a lunge before letting them have control so they get used to it and you can teach them more about it.

  29. where i ride if someone besides me rides my horse i will get kicked out. but i let my friends at my stable ride my horse if they are trust-worthy

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