
Do You Ever Suppose That Dreams Have Dreams Of Their Own?

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I'm not referring to "Dream within a dream" experiences by the way.




  1. Dreams don't think for themselves. Dreams are what you make them to be. But if your talking  about SLEEPING dreams I actually have had a dream in a dream, actually about three dreams in one dream.

  2. i do!  one time i woke up from a dream, but i was actually still dreaming.  i woke up again, and found myself to be actually awake that time!

  3. no, dreams aren't reality and they aren't physical so how can they produce their own desires, silly?

  4. no, by defination dreaming is something a subjective consciousness does in REM,

    dreams being the product of a consciousness ans are not conscious themselves, merely a construct of said mind, and as such can have no ability to create (or procreate as would be more accurate) themselves.

    now whether the deep mind, or sunconcious can dream without the conscious mind ever being aware of it, i would say yes, because the subconscious sends messages to the conscious via dreams, which is enough evidence to assume that the subconscious mind itself is active and aware enough to dream.

  5. Wow. That is actually a really interesting question. I hope they do, because even if they are scary, I quite like dreams.


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