
Do You Ever Wonder Why People Even Bother To Have Children....??

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I know how tough it is to have children, I have 5 young boys who certainly test me at times. But some parents I know, all they ever seem to do is moan and complain about how *naughty* or *demanding* their children are.

Makes me wonder why they bother to have them in the first place...

I am not a over the top Mum, I don't talk about my boys, 24/7. Yes, I do talk about them acting like wild cave men, but I do say a LOT of the good things. I think I talk about the good things more than I moan and groan. I usually only complain to my Husband or about my Husband - lol!

Do you ever wonder why people have kids, if all they do is moan????




  1. yes!

    i wonder why people have kids at all!

    i mean, when young, all they do is poo, and need constant attention. as they get older all they do is tell that you don't give enough money for toys etc. then they grow up and tell you what a horrible job you've done raising them and they want more money for bigger toys, cars, computers etc. then they become adults and have their own kids and want you to babysit them when they go out.

    i mean, really!

    sooo much money!

    why do people have kids?

    ps. im 39 and have NEVER  wanted kids, im too much of a big kid, still ask for money from mum and dad. and have always said that if i did have a kid as bad as me i would have to kill it! lol

  2. Always, i have a friend who got pregnant very young because she was 'bored' and wanted a new toy, people who have children and then dont have TIME for there children but complain about them ark me right up. Give your child the time atleast to complain about them

  3. Sometimes people just vent and it sounds like they are complaining. But i have seen the moms/dads who i think truly hate being parents. I think their kids where maybe not planned and they(the parents) were to selfish to do the right thing and admit they were not ready and give them to a family who was. and  they (the parents) are now living unhappy "What If" lives.

  4. Pshychologicly speaking, they want to have kids before they have kids, and think its nice to have kids, but AFTER they have them, its all moan and complain!

  5. I guess people get to a stage in their lives when they wonder what to do next in their lives and their like we might aswell have kids without thinking about it.

  6. Hmm i wonder more about those who don't have kids and then think they know more than yoiu when your childs chucking a tantrum in the shopping centre.. It's like they "think they know how to control the child".. Yet all the child wants is that chocolate they're certanly not getting especially chucking that tantrum. Lol. As my mother says " you don't always give a child what it wants" and i agree... and for those out there who haven't got kids... *sighs*

  7. because in most cases the good things outweigh the bad!

  8. Some people will talk about how horrible they have it or how hard their life is to gain attention. I'm sure they love their children, but I bet they feel that their children are getting all the attention and they're getting none. Some of my friends will do the same thing, I've just learned to cope with listening to a good 20 minute long rant about how hard their life is and how nothing ever goes their way. I hope you gain the courage to confront your friends about this, I know I'm still listening to the rants =/.

  9. probable reason for these type of people having kids are:

    1. they forgot to put protection when enjoying with their mate... so the mistake comes to life after nine months...

    2. They are not even mature enough to know that  their kids will do the same thing or more to what they would have done when they were kids... being mischivious runs in genes.. you know...

    3. they just dont love kids and their childhood... but they give birth to a child just becasue their spouse want it....

    4. they dont know ABC also about parenting, but they want their children to be like some genius gentlemen since the time they are born in this world..

    most of the people grunt about their children because they are incapable of handling them ... so they just vent out... there is no child in this world whom you cant handle... i can prove that.... :-)

  10. I dont think a person has a child and goes into it thinking "I cant wait to complain about my child when they act up". Every human being has there limits and children DEFINITELY test patience levels. Just because some people vent out loud more than others doesn't mean they don't deserve to have children or shouldn't have... and the ones who don't complain out loud, dont feel equally as frustrated with their children on a daily basis. Its life and part of parenting in my opinion. My girls have good and bad days... on their good days I wont mention anything to my husband, but something cute they did, but when they had been testing me all day long and the day was full of time outs and them whining then yes, I will complain about how hard my day was. Nothing wrong with that. I know as a stay at home Mother my job is  hard, but if my husband had a bad day and came home complaining about his boss I wouldnt ask him should he not work!! Its life!! People will complain about anything they get frustrated with. People complain at the DMV should they not drive anymore? You know what I mean? Same principal in my opinion.

  11. Yes i do, i know some that i think why did you bother, than even say i wish i didn't have kids and the sad thing is they mean it. I have one son that doesn't want any kids his fiance doesn't want any either. I think that is better than those that have them and end up that they hate them and abuse them.

  12. I think it might be because when pregnant every woman dreams of her ideal child, all the fun things they'll do and how cute and obediant they'll be. Then baby arrives and reality sets in. The baby is not so cute or screams and cries all the time etc... Most people have high expectations of themselves and that is projected onto their children. So anything naughty or demanding is seen as failing those expectations. I had no idea just how demanding having children would be, its something only a parent can understand. But I wouldnt change it for anything :)

    And ofcourse there are always those people who are only happy when they are complaining!

  13. Their kids were an accident...? Lol.

  14. I absolutely do!!! So often in the school holidays I hear parents starting to groan and go on about how horrible it is having their kids around all the time! Or when the holidays are about to finish the way they act so relieved all the time. I mean, what happened to loving when you're around your kids, being able to play with them, spend time with them ,talk to them!

    It truly makes me sad and I definitely wonder at time why some parents ever bothered having kids in the first place. Kids are great, annoying at times but so are adults!

  15. I certainly know what you mean.

    If it is a close friend or at the mothers' group then I completely understand when parents want to vent. I do my fair share of venting then too.

    But as a rule I try and avoid saying things about my boys whilst they or other children are within ear shot.

    I love being a mum, but staying at home can be very isolating and draining at times. And sometimes you crave adult company.


  16. I guess we all need to vent sometimes lol. I'd like to think I talk about the good things more often than I groan.

  17. Sometimes their kids may actually be little terrors. I know both of my boys are. Even though we may complain about them alot that doesn't change the fact that we love them and wouldn't change a thing about them. Except maybe the fact that it's past 3 AM and my oldest is still

    My kids run me so ragged their are days that I think they are going to kill me. But I still wouldn't change a hair on their head. I love my boys so deeply that when they even bump their head I cry like a baby right along with them. I can feel their pain and their joy.

    Hope this helps you understand why us complainers have children. Good Luck with your's I know I couldn't handle 5.

  18. Oh i moan all the time...but i wouldn't ever change what i have.. 3 daughters aged 13, 10, 6 and a son who is 2 everyone of them makes me laugh cry and frustrated ..they cost a fortune my husband nearly passed out when i handed my 13yr old £30 for new jeans (she is a size 10 and 5ft 6 no kids clothes for her !) but these are the breaks..they are all very different children and i moan about different things about all of them... but i am so very very proud of them and if they were asked and if they were honest about it they would tell you that they moan about me !!! we are only human !

  19. I was just talking about that with my neighbor!

    I find it very annoying when parents only complain about there children. All children know how to test their parents, Believe me I know! I have two daughters and a son. Even though it can be tough sometimes I never have found myself complaining. I believe children are nothing but a true blessing and should be kept that way. If I complain about my children it's only to very close family and only because I need advice other then that I find no reason to complain about them.

    I always thought that some parents shouldn't be parents, I know several people that shouldn't be parents.

    Maybe we don't complain because we do our complaining through answering peoples questions!

    Such a great question! Star for you!

  20. I think this is one of those questions that never will be answered.

    I also dont understand it. Your children is the most important thing in your life, how can they moan.

    I absolutly love my girl, and would do anything for her.

    I would have 10 kids if i can(lol)

  21. I get what you are the moment I am on the whinge about my boy, he is having sleeping issues (as in not sleeping, lol) and he "needs" me ALL THE TIME. I actually wonder why I did have kids.................I love them but gee whizz they can be soooo annoying and demanding. I don't think people know what they are getting into when the decide to have children, they claim to (like me, lol) but reality is, no one has any idea because kids are so very different to each other. I am probably one of the parents you are talking about, lol. I have no delusions that my kids drive me bonkers. But boy do I LOVE my babies.

  22. They have them not realizing how much work it is. I had to babysit my 3 younger siblings and knew I wanted a small family. I thought 2, but since having my daughter, I think that is it.

  23. I complain about my 2 and 3 year old all the time.... Maybe it's just natural to just let it all out when your with someone you are comfortable with. I always talk to my mom and tell her how everything is going. But I try not to tell the whole world. My kids being little trouble makers is my own problem. Well I hope that you just let people know that you have your own kids and go through the same thing and you really don't want to hear about someone else's kids being a pain. LOL

  24. i know exactly what u are saying, i just had my first 3wks ago, a lil boy. i "complain" but its in a sarcastic tone. this is really the sweetest baby i have ever delt with. i used to baby sit alot and my brother and sister are nearly 10yrs younger than me. so i was always asked to babysit them aswell. but as far as complaining i just say that hes going to be a little monster when he grows up, i can see it. lol but i dont really mean it like i hate having my male mini me. everyone says new borns are the worst before the age 2 anyway. my son is very sweet and i love him very much.

    idk i guess u mean people who complain that they are doing normal kid things like acting up and misbehaving, like a kid will then complain.  im only 19 and i think i can handle kids better than some people in there 30s. maybe im just being fat headed, or i just still have a little bit of a kid left in me.

    lol well sorry this maynot be the answer u wanted.

    take care

    and 5 kids? u are a trooper  :D

  25. Yes, yes, YES!!!

    Personally I can't stand mum's who call their kids names right in front of them. I think its aweful. There is a mum at our playgroup who is always going on about how "horrible" her kids are. She will say, in front of everywone "come here you little ferral", or " stop being a little ****!". We just look at her, speechless. What sort of self esteem are those poor little kids going to have?

    I continue to think of the poor mums who desperately want kids and can't, and then you have mum's such as these. Its just not right.

  26. yes i do.they don't want to go to work.

  27. All the time.  People like this drive me crazy.

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