
Do You Get Any Signs If Your Having Twins ?

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well I'm 14 and I'm pregnant i have been having unusual really painfull pains down the inside of my legs and that is also on the top of my arms does this mean im having twins of my baby is in harm please help me




  1. This usually isn't a sign of twins but it is a sign of a growing Uterus/baby.  

    No harm to baby, its perfectly normal.  The pain in your arms is probably brought on because you are still growing yourself and now your body is trying to support you and a baby.  It can be quite devastating to a young woman still maturing to try and support a maturing baby too.  

    Good Luck sweetie, I got pregnant at 16 and was scared to death!  I can't imagine how you are feeling!

  2. i had no other symptoms other than the ultra sound found two babies.  i ended up gaining more weight, and had horrible morning sickness and was put on meds. but pains in your arms have nothing to do with having twins.  at 14 your body will hurt,,it is not ready to have a baby let alone twins

  3. The signs are inmdiately, i felt like having an octopus in side me. my twins were 61/2and 5 pouds.

  4. My twin pgcy felt the same as my singleton pgcy.  So no, the pains arent different.

    but 14?  thats probably the reason.  Your body at 14 is NOT ready for a pregnancy.  You're going against nature so problems will arise.

  5. Yeah i agree this is probably because your so young and your bodys also young but you know what I just want to say thank you for the comment you left me i really really want a baby, it really anoys me when people say oh your too young you have the reast of your life etc. And then when I asked that question they thought I meant just go out there and have unproteced s*x with anyone just to get pregnant! that made me mad because ive been in a 3 year reletionship with my boyfried! no way at all am i going to critisise you for being pregnant at 14 i really mean it when I say congrats ! and good luck ! and your lucky your parents took it so well! still what happened with he boyfriend situation? anyway it would be really good talking to you as I think your mindset frame is really good and positive, if you have messenger add me if not send me an email =] goodluck hunny & thank you for your positive comment x

  6. The 'two peas in the pod' at the ultrasound is a good sign.  

  7. And you're proud of getting pregnant at 14? No there are no signs. My friend was surprised she was having twins.

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