
Do You Guys think Joe Biden might overshadow Obama?

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He's been chosen today and already he is in the news for his McCain attacks. Also he has way more experience than Obama. Obama is more calm, Joe Biden seems more aggresive than Obama, does he complete Obama or does he overshadow him?




  1. Naw, they're cool.

  2. No, Biden is being a gentleman and enbracing the Obama's as a christian family unit.

  3. Yes he will.

    Joe is known to be in love with the sound of his own voice.

    Barry and Joe both have colossal egos, so it will be very interesting to watch them compete for attention.

  4. I say Hot d**n, it is about time a democrat started fighting back. I am so sick of them always pu$syfooting around the old fruit tree all the time.  

  5. Shouldn't Biden be the presidential candidate and Obama the VP.  Guess Biden will be calling the shot's while Obama will be the eye candy.

  6. This is what is so confusing about the demo party.

    Two guys are on the ticket in the primaries, practically no votes for one and big time votes for the other, then when it looks like the winner is getting his plow cleaned, the guy with 9000 votes becomes the savior of the party. Now the democrats are bragging about Biden, what a hero, what an experienced man, what intelligence. Why didn't they see that 3 months ago?  Flip Flop

  7. I think it's nonsensical.. seems like the ticket should be the other way 'round -the one w/MORE experience at the top & the one w/the least at the bottom -well, that's the Dems for you..

    McCain '08!

  8. Well, he did introduce Biden as the next president today.

    Senator John McCain's presidential campaign was quick to pounce on Sen. Barack Obama when he introduced his running mate, Joe Biden as the "next president."

    Obama said: "So let me introduce to you the next President -- the next Vice President of United States of America, Joe Biden!"

    "Barack Obama sounded as though he turned over the top spot on the ticket today to his new mentor, when he introduced Joe Biden as the next president," a McCain press release said. "The reality is that nothing has changed since Joe Biden first made his assessment that Barack Obama is not ready to lead. He wasn't ready then and he isn't ready now."

  9. No, it's an awesome team, the points where Obama are weak in Biden is strong in... It's called synergy...  The team is now balanced...  

  10. Joe Biden is going to be the pit bull, while Obama is the campaign.

    I was hoping for someone like Joe Biden to help Obama.

    If Obama spent the time that it would have taken to defend himself against McCain's negative ads, this would have taken him off his game plan.  He's campaigning.

    So for right now, he completes Obama.  Once the election is over and IF Obama wins, he'll be a great asset.  Someone that's not afraid to give his opinion and Obama will not be too full of his title to listen.

  11. I agree with you, Only Joe Biden could run negative campaign against McCain. Obama is honest and simple person. No he is not going to overshadow Obama, he is going to help increasing attacks on McCain.

  12. No, but he undermines Obama's message of change. Biden has been in Washington for 35 years. Obama can not honestly say he stands for change when he picks a political hack like Joe biden for VP. Joe Biden is proven liar and has a large history of saying stupid things.  

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