
Do You HAVE To Go To A Tech College FOr Two Years?

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Do you absolutly have to go to a technical college for two years if you graduate hight school with a career tech diploma before you go to a University?




  1. No, you can apply directly to a university, but it depends on your intended major.  If you want a trade program, they are mostly offered at community colleges (auto body, construction, etc.).  If you want engineering, IT design or other areas that require more schooling, then you go to a 4-year university.  

  2. No. You can go direct to university if you get in. You could do some prerequisites at a community college and transfer to a university. That is always an option.  

  3. like the person above stated, no... and to expand on his answer... you DON'T have to go to a 2 year before going to a 4 year... but some times it is very beneficial.. such as, you can get all of your pre-reqs out of the way for a much affordable price and usually at a much better quality because your teachers are there to teach. And if you don't have a very good gpa coming out of high school, it gives you an opportunity to raise your gpa and possibly get better funding (ie, scholarships, grants, etc) to pay for the university.

    Also you don't have to graduate from the four year if you don't want to... you can talk to your academic transfer counselor and work out a degree plan that will work with the degree plan at the school you want to go to and just transfer there with no 2 year degree at all.

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