
Do You Have Any Bad Experiences With Transferring Data From A 20gb Xbox360 HDD to a 120gb Xbox360 HDD At All?

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So I'm thinking about buying a 120gb Xbox260 HDD and transferring the data from my 20gb Xbox360 HDD modem, though I've heard a few scare stories about losing data, and also some data not transferring, as well as a load of intimidating warning messages, and would like to get people's experience with the data transfer.





  1. Well my brother got an elite the other week and he had to ring up ms to get a data migration kit sent out, it came and i connected the 120 with the cable and had the 20 in the console and transferred them over, had no problems at all, but it does take about half an hour. Also if there is a problem, no data will be wiped, so for example whilst it is transferring and the console gets turned off for some reason, like say the trip-switch goes, no data will be lost because the data on the 20gb isnt destroyed until the last bit of data is on the 120gb. So it is relativly safe.

    Good luck

  2. I had no problem with it.  It's easy, just make sure you follow the directions carefully.

  3. Make sure you buy the 120gb with the transfer kit cable. It comes with the HDD if you buy it new and most sellers on ebay do not include it, but used HDD's in Gamestop/EB Games come with the transfer kit cable, but I usaully never see 120gb HDD's, usaully 20gb's because they're cheap now with the 60GB being out.

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