
Do You Have Any Paranormal Local Legends?

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Sea Monsters, Ghosts, Witches, etc?




  1. Actually I've got a school paranormal legend...

    Usually in rest rooms you find mirrors but in our school not a single mirror exists in the restrooms. if ever there were mirrors it would be the pocket sized ones the students bring. They said it was because one time when the school CR still contains mirrors on them, while a student was combing her hair she saw a ghost!

    While facing the mirror and combing her hair, her hair brush fell from her hand. So she picked it up and faced away from the mirror. When she stood up after picking the brush and faced the mirror to comb again, a lady in black was at her back!

    Realizing that it was a ghost she prayed the "Our Father". She prayed hard until she felt the coldness gone. When she opened her eyes the lady in black was already playing with her own hair. Twirling it while reciting the prayer creepily...

    Until now the story still creeps me. (I even feel goosebumps while writing this!)

    They said when you see a ghost. NEVER recite a memorized prayer or they'll simply make fun of it. Spontaneous prayers are actually stronger according to others. So when you see a ghost pray a spontaneous prayer!

  2. I have had several personal paranormal experiences.  If you are interested I will be happy to provide details.

    Key West Florida - ghost

    Honolulu Hawaii - ghost/menehune

    Big Island Hawaii - ball of light, disappearing and reappearing stuff, ghost

  3. Well ive never seen a sea monster but there's a library i go to often. Once, there was a librarian by the name of Kathleen Wood who used to work there back in the day. Apparently, she was in the office one night and some burglars wanted the safe that was in there. They beat her up really bad and died later i believe. When one goes to the library looking for a specific book and the librarians are too busy to help you, you get the feeling of being watched. If you think of the book or say its title in a very low voice, a few minutes later you'll hear a book drop. It usually is the book one is looking for ...

    I was looking for Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte... a bit creepy really =)

  4. Where I live we have something call "Gore orphanage" I guess way back there was this orphanage off in the middle of no where(at least thats what's there now~nothing) and one night it caught on fire and a bunch of kids died. Right down the street there's a cemetery where some of them were buried and an angel that over looks them people say that at certain times you can see the angel holding something in her arms and crying.

  5. I think every group of small kids make up their own.  My region has the "Gates of h**l" myth.

    Of course it's nonsense.

  6. Very much so.  Some of my adult disorders are based on the folklore here where I was raised.  Right now I live next door to a really old cemetery.  I take people around my acreage and through the grave yard.  Sometimes this makes for a great party.  Especially when the old school teacher gets her dander up, and frightens my company for smoking on the grounds.

  7. Note from the Connecticut State Police: Those who go, or attempt to go to Dudleytown will be arrested for trespassing and/or parking. The fines start at $890 per person and rapidly increase.

    In northwestern Connecticut within the town of Cornwall, in the shadow of three mountains, lies the remains of Dudleytown. The small hamlet holds accounts of ghostly tales, demons, unexplained events, and curses coupled with over 400 years of British and American history -- including ties to King Henry VIII, Horace Greeley, General Heman Swift, and General George Washington.

    Today, only the cellar holes and a few foundations remain. The roads have become forest trails that hikers and ghost hunters still traverse, regardless of warnings of evils spirits, and many claim the woods become strangely silent -- the birds and bugs that sing and call during a hike up to Dudleytown don’t follow into the hamlet.

    Dudleytown was founded by Thomas Griffis, who was the first to settle in the area, but it was three Dudley brothers who moved there a few years later for whom the land would be named. It was these brothers who also allegedly brought over a curse from England that has plagued the land ever since.

    The Curse

    All Dudleys can trace their heritage back to a Saxon named Dudd, who was titled Duke of Mercia and died in 725 A.D. It was Dudd’s land that would eventually become the site of the Dudley castle.

    An old English word for land was “leigh,” so the area was called Dudd’s leigh. Many centuries later, when the taking of a surname became necessary, some people took a name based on their occupation (such as Smith or Baker) and others took their surname based on the land they came from, i.e., Dudley.

    The story and curse of Dudleytown actually begins in England in the year 1510. Edmund Dudley was beheaded for plotting to overthrow King Henry VIII. At the time of the beheading, a curse was allegedly placed on the Dudleys for their treason.

    The curse states all Dudleys from Edmund Dudley’s lineage would find themselves surrounded by horrors. Edmund Dudley’s son, John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, followed in his father’s footsteps and also tried to overthrow the crown by marrying his son, Guilford Dudley, to Lady Jane Grey (the original “queen for a day”).

    John Dudley’s third son, Robert, Earl of Leicester, left England to avoid losing his own head.

    The Dudleys who would eventually settle in Dudleytown can trace their roots to William Dudley, who was born in Richmond, Surrey, England on September 11, 1608. His son, also named William, was born aboard a ship headed for America on June 8, 1639. William II’s son, Joseph, was born in Saybrook, Connecticut on September 14, 1674.

    Joseph Dudley of Saybrook had 12 children, three of which would eventually settle in Dudleytown: Gideon (born 1706), Abiel (born 1710), and Barzillai (born 1725).

    Dudleytown is Born

    In October of 1737, the Connecticut General Assembly ordered the Act for the Ordering and Directing the Sale and Settlement of all the Townships in the Western Lands. The Act stated that 50 private parcels of land from many western Connecticut towns would be divided and auctioned off. The Cornwall auction began at 50 pounds per parcel.

  8. Yes. Hartley Nature Center.Legend has it That someone died there or something I guess. I went there twice and everybody had stuff happen to them. There are two haunted bunks, 13 and 5. I had 13 both times I went there and my friend had 5 both times we went. Nothing happened to the 4th graders only to the 5th grade girls. Really weird. Once when I was in my bunk I felt like someone was pushing on my feet like they were going to climb up with me and I jumped up and no one was there. It could have been my bunk partner messing with me but she would have had to jump off the ladder and made a huge thump and I heard nothing and I think that night she switched bunks. Another time I was asleep and a felt this hand pushing my mattress and again no one was there and my bunk partner had her head facing towards the ladder and I was on the opposite side, plus she couldn't  reach anyways she was to short. This was weird, we went sledding while we were there and that meant that EVERYBODY was out of our dorm. When we came back, my bunk partner started having a fit because my bag was on her bed and I was like " I had my bag up on the shelf so don't get all mad." weird. One last thing. There is this Cole mine down there and our guide said that the house keeper won't go down there anymore because she claims the mine is haunted. It was a real mine to. Now there are like a bunch of statues of these workers down there and when we got our pictures back there were a bunch of orbs surrounding them. Oh and I kept hearing bangs from right behind my head that were like very very very loud. Creepy p;lace I tell you.  I think some 5th grade girl drowned there. Do the math, only 5th grade girls have experiences, We find earplugs in the teacher cabin that were never there before, and now the lake is off limits!!

  9. Ronnie Van Zant...seems like he's still here!  Jacksonville.

    Dastal...Here's the link for your answer about Gore Orphanage. I tried to read it ..but it was too long. Looks interesting though. Thanks for telling us about it(Have to go back and get it.)

    Here it is.http://vermilionohioharbourtown.homestea...

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