
Do You Have Any Sympathy For Mohammed Al Fayad?

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I do.

He has lost a son....He is greiving.

He should be given a Bristish Passport...Which he Desires.




  1. I sympathize with Mohammed Fayed on the score that he lost his son. Other than that, he starts to appeal to me as someone like Britney Spears who have just gone too far. I don't pity people who are like that. Fayed makes up a conspiracy theory that does not make any sense at all. My grandmother also lost a son because he was murdered. There is a suspect, a powerful one but we did not fabricate and conclude any theory just to nail that person when we did not have any evidence in the first place. The  death of Dodi was an accident. It may be hard for him to swallow but he should at least be sensible enough not to cook up some theory just because he despises someone. With all his tirades against Prince Philip going back to Germany, I say he should go back to Egypt because he isn't a British citizen in the first place.

    If there is any person whom I sympathize with in this charade, it is Prince Philip! If Prince Philip were to kill Diana, why didn't he kill Fergie and John Bryan too? As I've seen it, Fergie was a huge embarrassment at that time. If I were Queen Elizabeth II and I had any say on the approval of immigration stuff, I would kick Mohammed out of the country for wasting the country's time and money all for his stupid theory.

  2. Someone needs to punch him in the nuts.

  3. He lost his Son :( But he should drop all that conspiracy theory c**p) if he wants a British passport.

    It was tragic what happened but in the long run it was an accident, you can't always find someone to blame, c**p Happens he needs to move on or it will destroy him, life is far more than dwelling on the past it's about getting on with the present and moving forward.

  4. I'm Indiana Jones! *whip*


    i beleive wot hes sayin bout diana

  6. I do have a great deal of sympathy for him. I can't even imagine what i'd do if my son died. I think it is not unusual for people to seek someone to blame for a senseless death. And maybe the fact that Mr. Al Fayad is a very rich man who is used to being able to control things makes it even harder to be confronted with something he can't control - - Dodi's death is something he can't change,  but believing in a dark plot has given him something he can TRY to control - -public opinion and investigation - - it'[s given him something to focus on besides the sadness.  

    But he's not going to get the verdict he wishes so I just hope he can somehow find peace and does not spend the rest of his whole life a bitter, raging person.  Maybe he can focus his energies on doing something in his son's memory that will just be helping others

    But as for the passport, I dont think that is something you should give because you feel sorry for someone.

  7. I agree with Smiley Heart

    Have a star

  8. He lost his son more than 10 years ago, personally I have no sympathies. Think of all the millions of POOR people in the world who lose most of their children to war or violence or disease at a young age who now have no one to support them.

    Giving al Fayed a british passport would be a big economic and political mistake - that is why he has not had one and will not get one

    We can't just give him a passport in exchange for his son - its not fair and its not that simple

  9. I agree with you Smiling Star

    Have a Star

  10. I do feel sorry for him losing his son and it was ten years ago now.  He should not be given a passport - he only takes from this country does not give anything.

  11. I too lost a son, it does strange things to you....

    although i don't agree he should be given a british passport, sorry x

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