
Do You Have Personal Experience Taking Iron Supplements?

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I started taking iron supplements three weeks ago and already I feel a little more energetic(I was so tired I couldn't get out of bed).However I often feel nauseous and my appetite, which used to be enormous, has all but disappeared. When I do eat I fill up fast. Is this caused by the iron? I looked this up on the net and got a lot of conflicting info. Does anyone know from personal experience? Thanks for any help.




  1. Yes, while I was prego I threw up after taking them, needless to say I never took was soo gross I will not go into detail

  2. no, sorry

    good luck though!

    please answer

  3. I'm anemic and I'm supposed to take them but I don't because they tend to constipate you and you have this awful metal taste in your mouth sometimes.  Blech.  Instead, I just make sure to eat a lot of green, leafy vegetables.  Lots of vegetables, period.  When I was younger, I hardly ate any at all.  When I went back to the doctor, he told me my iron levels were normal again.

  4. I have pretty severe anemia, and I've been taking 200mg of iron per day every day since I was 8; for the last twelve years.

    From personal experience, you might be reacting badly to the formula. Not all iron is made the same way, and your body will react better to some formulas than to others. Some of them might cause constipation, others might cause stomach cramps, loss of appetite, etc.

    I'm not a doctor (or any sort of a chemist) but if it was me, I would go back to the doctor and ask for a prescription to a different formula. It took me three tries to get one I react well to. You'll still get the same iron, but in a different way. (Does that make sense?) Good luck.

    PS. My doctor said to cut back on chocolate (apparently something in the chocolate hinders the body's capacity to absorb iron) and to take my supplement with 250 ml of orange juice.

    PPS. Another great thing is to make orange juice with oranges and dark green leaf-type vegetables. Make sure they're DARK green. The middle green/light green ones don't have much nutritional value.

  5. yeah, I had a crazy surgery a few years ago and lost a lot of blood so I had to take iron supplements. There are two types of iron supplement. Find the differences between the two and choose which one you need. Your body doesn't actually absorb much of it on it's own. Eating an orange with it (half before, half after taking the pill) helps immensely.  It might make you constipated, so make sure you're drinking tons of water and eating lots of fibre (rolled oats or bran flakes it best)    take it with a meal, that might help with the nausea. a persons appetite generally isn't affected by iron in this way...normally it's the other way around! (low appetite with low energy from lack of iron, start taking a supplement or eating tons of dark green veggies and red meat and your appetite stabilizes and you are energized.)  check with your doctor, it may be something else. go to your doctor!

  6. I have been extremely tired and fatigued since i could remember when ever i went to the doctor they would run blood tests and prescribe high doses of iron to treat my anemia..the problem would be like yours i would feel sick ofter taking it and i would throw up or just feel terrible

    i think that your stomach is sensitive like mine .i finally found a supplement called "EASY IRON" which contains absorbic acid along with other nutrients aside from the iron..its called easy because it has a low but productive amount of iron but is easy on your stomach ..



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