
Do You Know That Our Economy Would Collapse Without Illegal Immigrants?

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According to the below article...we need them a lot more than we think.




  1. We managed to prosper before we had this illegal immigrant problem.  Sure, we would suffer a temporary setback, but I'm sure we would figure out how to survive without them.  Pus, all the tax money we could save by not having to pay for their free benefits would be in the billions every year.

  2. This is what we went over in Macroeconomics back when I was in college and my professor - neither for nor against immigrants, be they legal or illegal - said the same thing. Our economy would actually suffer if we were to somehow successfully deport all undocumented immigrants.

    And many people question why they don't just get visas, etc. What these people fail to realize is that the process to file an application, pay fees, etc. can run anywhere from $400 to thousands of dollars. You're talking about people who come from some economies where they're lucky to make $2 USD a day. They could never afford such filing fees. That is why they come here illegally - because there isn't a viable way for them to come to the US otherwise.

    What is most interesting of all, though, is that BOTH Presidential candidates lean towards legalizing the immigrants who are currently in the United States - afterwards focusing on border security, etc. So, while you will find many nay-sayers on Yahoo Answers, the majority of Americans (as the polls show) are actually for Amnesty (as are our hopeful Presidents-to-be are) and make it a very real possibility.

  3. Any company that has built it's business illegally should in my opinion suffer, but that is not what is wrong with this scenario. The idea that 12-20 million people disappearing overnight is a complete distortion of reality. It has taken well over twenty years, building on itself year after year for illegal immigration to finally project this obvious burden on America. Studies have shown that the price increase for fresh produce, for a family of 4, over a years time would amount to only $10.00 which to me is a small price to pay.

    The argument the article offers was also offered by those who did not want slavery to end in America. They too tried to use economic projections to thwart the freeing of slaves.

  4. Amen to that! But bigots on here won't admit to the facts. There would be Billions of dollars not coming into the economy and Billions in taxes not paid, plus more outsourcing of the food we feed our families. If this did happen, the people that wanted them out should pay extra taxes and be forced to work the jobs the immigrants left.

    Benefits of Illegal Workers:

    Anti-immigration activists seem to overlook some of the obvious ways that American people benefit from illegal immigrants who work in the United States. Some of the most obvious ways in which illegal immigrants help the U.S. economy are:

    Illegal immigrants living in the U.S. are also consumers in the U.S. and therefore boost the economy.

    Many illegal immigrants who work in the U.S. do not file tax returns because they fear deportation and therefore do not collect tax refund payments that they are entitled to receive.

    Social Security payments are not made to illegal immigrants. Therefore the money that is paid into the Social Security system by illegal immigrants supports payments to American baby boomers who are now reaching retirement age.

    Illegal immigrants may be a large factor in keeping the Social Security system afloat.

  5. Bullshit!!!  This is fear mongering at its finest.  This country has PLENTY of HB Visas for these farm workers.  I suggest you do a little research into this area since there are many more articles that PROVE otherwise.

  6. Im sorry but I dont agree.

  7. do you know that i dont care...they are ILLEGAL!

  8. no it wouldn't, prices would just rise

  9. We do not need them, We do not want them and I believe the economy would improve if we had a mass deportation. No amnesty for criminals!

  10. Nope; Without illegals, the pay of those jobs would increase and you would see Americans filling those jobs.

  11. Can't buy it.  Immigrants have been using visa for years to come here and work.  Why would that change?

  12. Your statement is incorrect.

    I strongly disagree.

    Illegals are being used as the new slave labor.

    Why do support such a thing?

  13. No, because that simply isn't true.  If we "need" more immigrants, we simply raise our legal quotas. We don't need illegals no matter how hard their PR/BS machine is working.

    The author of that article, by the way, is a radio commentator for NPR.  She's the leftwing version of Rush Limbaugh -- just not as successful or listened to as him.  She has no expertise in the area.  She's just throwing out the pro-illegal argument.

  14. Yes it would.

  15. No it won't. This was said about slavery when slavery started.

  16. Congrats you found ONE article about the positives about illegal immigration.   Problem is that there are HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS articles on the web stating the FACTS about Illegals and all the DAMAGE that they cause!!!

  17. Of course we need them. If they weren't needed the goverment would have made more of an effort to give them the boot.

  18. Unfortunately this article is bogus reporting. The author wishes to convince a lot of people that his political views are correct and therefore presents them as facts. Unfortunately he can be proved wrong. We just had a Strawberry festival in Bolivar OH where there were no Illegal Aliens involved in picking the fruit. My wife took our kids out and they worked in the fields like she had as a young girl.  The kids learned  valuable lessons about schooling, money, and hard work. I was raised and lived in southern NM for 52 years. Illegals are nothing but a drag on our economy. Those who claim different are wrong and many have ulterior motives.

  19. False!

    We lose billions in lost wages.

    I pay higher insurance.

    We pay for higher crime.

    Drop houses in neighborhoods with children.

    You cannot hire them in Arizona or you can lose your business and we are doing just fine.

  20. I tend to side with pro immigration groups, but i do know your statement is an over reaction....

    Realisticaly speaking without them our economy would SLOW DOWN but im dead sure it would not collaps..

    some times both sides need to step back and realize that all there is to this is economics... lets stop yieling "they took r jobs" or make claims like this one.


    I just finish reading the article and it does not talk about a COLLAPSE but a slow down.

  21. The 5% percent of the total work force would be replaced by the 3.2% jobless rate.

    Even if it were never recovered 5% would never cause or economy to collapse.

    More drivel from the left to support open borders and amnesty for these poor poeple simply looking for a better life and funnelling millions of dollars in tax free American currency into Mexico.

  22. The article is accurate.

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