
Do You Know Who Your Congressmen Are? Will you vote them out this November?

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Congress (both the House and Senate) is a culture of corruption and influence. The longer they're in office, the harder it is to stay clean. See the youtube video "My Most Important Issue Is Congress" for a more complete case for stricter term limits.




  1. I'll try, but incumbant politicians don't lose in Hawaii. Too many "status quo" people here.

  2. I live in Oregon ... we like our Representatives and Senators  

    We have a mix of Democrats and Repub.  I will be voting across party lines.  I like both of our Senators Wyden (Dem) and Smith (Rep)  

  3. yes i do and no i wont they are actually not all that bad and the alterantive is exxon control of cingress

  4. My Representative isn't running for reelection and neither is the one Senator who is up for reelection.  

  5. All Dems in the House gotta go...sorry House Representatives, but it's the only way America can get rid of PELOSI!!!

    75 pct WANT offshore drilling

    9 pct approval rating for PELOSI

    A LOT of Dems are going to get voted out this November!!!

  6. Yes i do, and yes i will.....

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