
Do You Know Why Primark Are Sooooo Cheap?? Well...?

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The clothes are soooo cheap because they are not made in big factories by machine. They pay children in India 1 or 2 pence a day to make the clothes. The conditions are terrible. Its not fair. All you people who shop at primark think again. Would you buy a top adorned with sequins if you knew that a child was working for a few pence a day to feed their family? Often the children become deformed and have health problems because of the conditions and having to sew all day.




  1. I saw the programme that highlighted this plight, and i cried for the children who worked there, the other side of the argument is that what would they be doing if they weren't working, probably begging on the street in worse conditions and not making any money.

    Maybe Primark and the other fashion houses that seem to condone this practise should appoint someone to go out there and see that those children and older employees have a more decent standard of working environment.

    Its the owners of these sweatshops that should be brought to justice over this, its all down to them.

  2. To be honest, I don't care who has made them.  The people who work in the factories have chosen to do so.  Good on the children for having the initiative to go out and try to earn some money.  Kids in Britain would rather just hang around on the streets intimidating people.

  3. There is no easy answer here, if you stop buying, short term it causes hardship as people starve because although the money is small it is better than nothing. When these big companies pull out it causes real problems, its not ideal but its all they have and they wont thank anyone for making the big names cut the cord. The only thing that can be done is regulation and until that happens this problem will exist.

    The only hope is that if this keeps getting publicity they will eventually show us what great companies they are and invest money to help these poor souls.

  4. Yep. i knew all of that, dont you love the hipocrisy of fashion?

  5. Thanks for telling everyone what they already knew. Obviously that's why Primark are so cheap.You don't need to be told to come to that conclusion.

    Duke75: I hope you're trying to be funny...I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are.

  6. And if you don't buy the clothes, the children have no job and no money, so they and their family starve to death.

    How is that an improvement?

  7. How dumb are most people thinking that this is just Primark.

    Nearly every high street (and some high end fashion labels) do exactly the same.

    Yet if we boycott them then they have no money to survive, because they are out of a job. And cruel as it may sound, they may actually be worse off.

    What we really need is to bring some more laws that protect these children and their families. We need to donate money to charity (something very few people do on a regular basis), who can help families get money and get their children into education.

    It is right, or fair to say we should just stop buying their clothes. I do not agree with the conditions they are made to work in or the money they are paid, but surely they would be worse of with nothing!

  8. If you think it's just primark that buy there good from china, or any other 3rd world country's you are sadly mistaken. Marks & Spencer buy a lot of there cloths from china, and still charge a lot of money for their goods. and sadly last year Barbary closed down there factory in wales sacked 300 people and moved to china, and they still sell a scarf for £150 the only thing is now they make £125 profit and not £75

    At the end of the day it's got to be the buyers for the company's to make sure the welfare of the workers in these country's. But if any one feels that badly about it vote with your wallet

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