
Do You Like Meredith Hagner's Portrayal Of Liberty Ciccone?

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I Love the Character and Actress of Liberty Ciccone/Meredith Hagner, Do You?




  1. Meredith Hagner is an exceptional actress, and does nothing short of spectacular on her role as Liberty. I do not, at all, like the Parker/Liberty storyline- except for the fact that Janet, Jack, and Katie are greatly involved. However, Liberty seems to be growing on me. After yesterday's episode, I really saw Liberty as a mature teenager. Meredith is doing a great job!

    I am much more interested in Lily/Holden/Carly and Luke/Noah than the storyline with Liberty/Parker. Maybe with a different storyline, I would become more fond of Liberty. Janet, however, is my favorite female (besides Noelle) on the show. I hope they both stay for a long while!

  2. I like the character of Liberty.  And I think Meredith Hagner is doing a good job.  I looked her up to see if she has ever been on anything else, and I could only find some commercials.

  3. I really do like her.  But she is in her 20's isn't she?  And Parker looks his age-I mean Mick Hazen.  He really is a teenager, right?  I think she and Janet give this tired soap some life.  I love Janet!!

  4. Absolutely! Meredith Hagner has really grown into her role since Liberty was introduced to ATWT back in April. Her charcacter is what got me hooked into ATWT (at least her Storyline) it is very real I think. Did you see the episode where she sang with Brad? She's not just beautiful but has a beautiful voice too! I hope they showcase that again.

    I also hope she, and Janet, stay as regulars on the show. They give high energy to 'just another soap"

    I read that Meredith played Wendy in Peter Pan and that she went to Boston Conservatory for musical theater (don't think she graduated though)

  5. I have grown to like Liberty and at first I didn't. I thought she was a little pain in the watussy...but over the months, she really has become quite lovable. I was so proud of her the day Parker showed up at Brads when Carly was supposed to have picked him up from the train station...when she called her dad and told him that Parker was first thought was good girl, haha (I've got two girls) and it did my heart proud that she knew, deep down inside, that it wasn't right that Parker was there when they've been told to stay away from each other.

    Also, I have really grown to like Janet too. Again, I didnt think that I would and I took great issue with her letting Lib have birth control. But really, she is 16 years old and it was very highly evolved for Janet to do that...for her to think, okay my 16 year old daughter is full of raging hormones and I can either let her make the same mistakes I did...she is going to have s*x.....or I can help her protect herself and whomever she does have s*x with....that is good parenting, as weird as it just is....

    I'm kinda behind on this weeks shows (school started and its been C R A Z Y around here) so I don't remember which day it was, but at the car wash when Janet, Jack and Carly were all over Parker and Lib...that was so hiliarious and then when Janet *accidently* sprayed Bradley (I hate when she calls him that though!!!!!) I was laughing so was so cheesey...yet so appropriate!

    Yeah, I've written a mini-novel here...I got started and couldn't stop...sorry about that :) :) :) :) :)  

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