
Do You Like These Names ??

by Guest66951  |  earlier

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Olivia Faith And Alexander Nicholas <3





  1. I always wanted to name my son Nicholas Alexander, but my aunt stole the name first (and funnily enough that Nicholas Alexander is my godson).  Since there was already one in the family, I didn&#039;t. Also, Olivia was always on my short list for girls, then my cousin got pregnant and she named her daughter that, and I didn&#039;t have girls.  Again, I would not have put two in the family.

    Very lovely names!

  2. I like olivia faith but I like Nicholas alexander better than alexander nicholas but that&#039;s just me...

  3. Olivia Faith is really cute :)

  4. I think they&#039;re beautiful.  

  5. YES i do finally some decent respectable names!!!! you are a genuis,good luck!!!

  6. Olivia Faith



    I love the name Alexander but not keen on Nicholas

    I adore the name

    Alex Jay


  7. I like Alexander Nicholas better, but they are both cute!!

  8. I love both!   The middle names go well with the first names, especially Olivia Faith!!  If you want a shorter middle name for Alexander, you could try Cole.

  9. Olivia Faith is cute and i like Nicholas Alexander better personally

  10. Yes I love them.

    You could switch the boy&#039;s and girl&#039;s names around as well, depending on your last name.

    Faith Olivia or Nicholas Alexander...

    Good Luck!

  11. olivia, Alexander,Nicholas are nice names and many people have them but faith is an unusual and original name

  12. I love LOVE both names, especially Olivia Faith, it flows very nicely together and it is a very soft name.  My friend just had an &quot;Alexander&quot; a few weeks ago, I love how strong sounding of a name that is.  Good luck and great names!

  13. i like them both!

    the first and middle names go together good.

  14. I love love love Olivia!! Hate the others.......

  15. Those are cute because they sound so modest. Hope I helped.

  16. Yes I do...! They are old fashioned which is refreshin in a society that is becoming too modern...but they aren&#039;t so old fashioned that they have become obselete...good choices!

  17. Very good names.  I like both of them.

  18. Yes ^_^

    Both are very beautiful names.  

  19. i like alexander nicholas better, but they are both pretty.

  20. I like the second one, but not the first one.

  21. I love Olivia and Alexander Nicholas. Faith is cheesy though.  

  22. They are not my taste in names, but overall yes they are nice names. I like Olivia more than Faith though. And Alexander Nicholas reminds me of the twins of Full House because those were their names. :o)

  23. I like them both.

  24. faith is a cute name all together by itself!

    and alexander is like the name of someone that you just know is gonna be cute!

  25. beautiful names

  26. The boys name only with a shorter last name, otherwise too much name for a little boy.  I really like Olivia Faith

  27. i think that they are nice but try changing olivia faith it doesnt match all that well but alexander nicholas does

  28. i luve Alexander Nicholas

    Olivia is okay

    Faith cute

  29. OLIVIA

    Gender: Feminine

    Usage: English, Italian, Spanish, German, Finnish

    Pronounced: ə-LIV-ee-ə (English), o-LEE-vee-ah (German)   [key]

    This name was first used in this spelling by William Shakespeare for a character in his comedy &#039;Twelfth Night&#039; (1602). Shakespeare may have based it on the name OLIVER or the Latin word oliva meaning &quot;olive&quot;. In the play Olivia is a noblewoman who is wooed by Duke Orsino but instead falls in love with his messenger Cesario.

    The name has been used in the Engish-speaking world since the 18th century, though it did not become overly popular until the last half of the 20th century. Its rise in popularity in America was precipitated by a character on the 1970s televsion series &#039;The Waltons&#039;.


    Gender: Feminine

    Usage: English

    Pronounced: FAYTH   [key]

    Simply from the English word faith, ultimately from Latin fidere &quot;to trust&quot;. This was one of the virtue names adopted by the Puritans in the 17th century

    These two words go very nice together good pic!!!

    Alexander Nicholas very popular name, but go very nice together (thats why they are very popukar) lol

  30. Olivia Faith is adorable.  Alexander Nicholas seems too common, but a nice mix :)

  31. I don&#039;t think Olivia Faith rolls of the tongue very well. Maybe change Faith, to a name beginning with a vowel? Alexander Nicholas is nice.

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