
Do You Like This Baby Girl Name?

by  |  earlier

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As in Ziva David from NCIS, if any of you watch that. I really like the name. And Does anybody know what it means?




  1. I think it's a wonderful name but I don't know what it means

  2. i think it is pretty and original.

  3. I dont really like it.

  4. It's different.  I like it.  

  5. Thats cute!  I love NCIS. I was actually thinking about naming my next dog (if its a girl) Ziva. I think its cool too :o)

  6. okay that name is hideous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  7. sorry i dont like it

  8. NO!

  9. yes know who it is like the original show better in vegas and its a hebrew name meaning Splendid which your baby girl is  

  10. No sorry dont rate this name


  11. i love that show!!

    Ziva means Brilliance and/or Brightness.

    and that origin of the name is Hebrew

  12. That is a really really cute name!!!!!!!!!!!  :)

  13. I like it :) And I've never heard of that show.

  14. Love the name, the character and LOVE the show!

    Ziva means "splendor"

  15. Are you kidding?

  16. no. don't.

  17. The meaning of the name Ziva is Brilliance, Brightness

    The origin of the name Ziva is Hebrew

    its cute :)

    help me?

    The meaning of the name Ziva is Brilliance, Brightness

    The origin of the name Ziva is Hebrew  

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