
Do You Miss Your Kids Like Crazy?

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Since being separated/divorced I only get to see my kids 3 nights a week and every third weekend. This would be my weekend but my ex-wife is moving next and asked if I would trade weekends. I was a stay at home dad so I was with them all the time. I do appreciate the freedom but I do really miss my oldest boys brilliance, my middle boys humor and my daughters everything.

Do you miss your kids when theyre not around?




  1. Yes as of right now I'm home alone and I miss them more than anything!!!!  My 17 year old son is sleeping over a friends, and my 7 and 15 year old daughters are at my mom's house. And my husband went to the super market. So it's pretty quiet now, and I kind of want them to come home and ask me to do things for them! Weird huh?!


  2. Awh, that actually made me tear up a little bit (I'm sensitive, haha). While I don't have to go through what you do, I'm truely sorry. :( Just think about the next time you WILL get to spend with them and look forward to it. Cherish every moment, as I'm sure you do! You seem like a great Dad... I definitely commend you! A Dad like you is hard to come by. I wish I had a Dad like you when I was growing up!

  3. My daughters grandparents moved to coosbay so ill let her go and see them for 2 weeks every 3 months or so to spend time with them, although its not the same thing i do instantly miss her, i wake up in the morning thinking i have to take care of her when she isnt even there, i understand what your saying about you appreciating your freedom, i do to but i still miss her like crazy!

  4. Keep in mind you see your kids alot more than many divorced dads. Many only have kids 4 days out of the month.. But guess what, my heart breaks ever time they go and we've been doing this for 8 years.

  5. I'm so sorry for you hurting like this. I have joint custody with my ex husband. We share an 8 year old daughter. I miss her so much when she isn't here with me. I call her everyday but it seems like the phone calls aren't even enough. I understand the feelings you have, except you have 3 awesome children that your missing. I'm sorry about your ex wife. But you did what was best for you. Hopefully you will be complete again. Good Luck!!!

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