
Do You Own An Akita:- Help Please?

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Okay - I own a Japanese Akita Dog. He is very loyal, friendly and protective. I have heard that the Female Aktia is even more protective. Do you agree. I am thinking about getting a Bull Mastiff ( Female ) this year but Please tell me about the Akita ( female ) if you have one. Understand this:- My Akita is a great guard dog but how do the females rate to Males. What are your thoughts. A BIG THANK YOU!




  1. I had a female Akita for 12 years. She was Extremely protective, wanted to eat small dogs and needed a great deal of exercise.  She was also beautiful, graceful, loving and great fun.  What a great personality!

    We still miss her 25 years after her death.  Good luck and have fun

  2. females of any breed are always more protective, that whole mother/baby instinct.

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