
Do You Own Any Clothing That Is Designed To Fight Gravity?

by  |  earlier

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Or, you just let things hang?




  1. wht

  2. Yeah 2 well worn one piece girdles.

  3. I let things hang :(

  4. actualy i do. i have something like a corset. but i use ti for backproblems! if anything i'm underweight.

  5. Oh like an upper topper flopper stopper right. Ya I got some of those. I only wear them when I go some where. LMFAO

  6. I let things hang

  7. i like boxer briefs for the support and sneakers to defy gravity

  8. Yes I have viagra pants

  9. ?  Let things hang?

    I am a little confused.

    I didn't even know they made clothes to fight gravity.

  10. i let things hang. hip me. i burned my bra a long time ago.

  11. You mean like a push-up bra? O_ooo

    I don't use/own one, but I guess they work...

  12. Just let them hang, just like a guilty terrorist caught red handed

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