
Do You Prefer Being Called an Earthling or a Human???

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I don't understand why majority of people call each other humans instead of Earthlings. I believe Earthling is more of a proper term to call ourselves. What do you think???




  1. I prefer the term "Earthican" myself.

  2. i don't think so it's better for us to called a human

  3. When we're talking about homo sapiens, we should, IMO be able to call 'm humans. When we're talking about life in general on earth,  earthling is perhaps better.

    Just like an Oak is a tree, plant and IMO also an earthling.

    (as long as it is located on earth of course...)

  4. human. that's the species I am.

    my dog is also an earthling because she is from earth, but we are different species

  5. Human, "earthling" has such a weak connotation to it. It denotes an underdeveloped race of inferior abilities.

  6. then some humans can call other humans--NON_human--and go down hill from there?? But if you want to talk people of earth--i really think we and most everything comes from the bellies of stars-so we all are star people--lol

  7. If you're talking about proper terms, human is what is correct when referring to people. Anything living thing on earth could be called an earthling. I agree with the gentleman above that "earthling" has negative implications.

  8. Both work.  However, we would still be humans even if we were born on another planet so....

  9. i'd be embarassed to identify with either group. i'm just alive.

  10. i love you spread the love.

  11. i am human being,the word human comes from the word humus,meaning of earth.and earth is what i am formed out of.

  12. I am an earthling. The earth is mine, and yours, and we should be able to enjoy it. Lets have no frontiers.

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