
Do You Remember Food in 1976?

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What were some popular foods in 1976?

Cheap fast-food? Where?

Any good restaurants? Where were they, and what did they serve?

Anthing information having to do with food in 1976 is greatly needed!!!!




  1. Our local McDonald's had their sign that read "over 1 million served"

    We had Denny's, Pa Jo's (another hamburger place)  A&W for rootbeer and burgers, Forbidden City for chinese, and Steve's g*y 90's. This was in /tacoma Washington

  2. I recall eating at McD, a couple local pizza places, and A&W Rootbeer.

    I recall Tulsa having several drive-up places where the carhops  placed the tray of food to the window.

  3. they had mc donald's and bk in 1976

    at home it was all about hamburger helper, baby!

  4. There were most of the major chains that they have now.  Food was much cheaper--a Big Mac was about a dollar.  Soft drinks were like 39 cents for a regular size.  Some local chains would sell hamburgers (meat, pickle and ketchup) for 5 for a dollar.  Tacos and burritos were 39 cents.

  5. Let's see -- dinosaur burgers on unleavened barley bread, sabre tooth tiger steaks and leg of wooly mammoth.

  6. Mutt's Drive In.  Was THE place to get a milk shake with your burger and fries.  Had the best and coldest Dr Peppers in town.

    Mineral Wells, TX didn't have any fast food restaurants until the 80's.

    At home it was Sweet Sue Chicken and Dumplings or Hamburger Helper.

    A big outing was going to the SnowCone stand when it was 110 degress outside.

  7. we had a jack in the box shop by our home....

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