
Do You Remember The First Book That Sparked Your Love For Books And Reading?

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I remember mine was when I was very young. I think it was called The Hungry Caterpillar. I read it in the school nurses office and since then I always wanted to read more and I want to be a novelist when I get older. What about you?




  1. I loved so many books when i was little...EVERYTHING.

  2. I've loved reading for as long as i can remember, at the age of 4/5 so its hard to pinpoint one book.

    Some books that really stand out from my childhood though are the Mr Majeika series, Jacqueline Wilson books and of course Roald Dahl.

  3. The Hobbit in 4th grade. We got to watch the cartoon and read the book at the same time. It taught me how to visualize what I was reading. I am teaching now and try to use visuals to aid in the understanding of given subjects.

  4. i hated all books before  harry potter came along (which i was forced to read because it was better than the movies) and that was in year seven but now i read all kinds of books not just fantasies

  5. carrie. I was 10 or 11

  6. well it was harry potter...i was a punk and suddenly this book came to my hands and before i knew i had completed the seven books{2500 pages} in three days.within a year i have done about 34 novels and still going on..{i am not a punk now}

  7. The children of the Dark People - Frank Dalby Davidson - it is now a classic - I don't know if it still available but a great book!

  8. Hi !

    Yes , an illustrated children's version (With Scylla , Charybidis , Sirens and Polyphemus!) of Homer's "The Odyssey" .


  9. Doctor Doolittle by Hugh Lofting. I read it when I was sick one day, ageed about seven. That was the day I decided I wanted to WRITE books as well as read them. No such luck yet, though.

  10. Thanks to my bookworm dad I read form the age of 3, the first books I remember reading were ladybird books, they had loads and loads, childrens classics like Three little pigs, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Peter and Jane books. So many I can't rememeber them all.  I would have a new one nearly every Friday.

    When I started School and the teacher gave out books I used to get mad as they never believed me when I said I had read all the school ones!  The head teacher called my parents in for a meeting and I ended up reading books for 10 yr olds at the age for 5!  If I remember right I was 'frowned ' upon by my teachers for this!

  11. "I WANT EARS!"

    There are two: "The Ice Cream Cone Coot and Other Rare Birds" by Arnold Lobel, now unfortunately out of print, thank God I have two copies, and "Uncle Wiggley and the Sugar Cookie" by Howard Garis (I think)

    My grandfather read these to me before I could read them to myself. I learned how to read with these two books because I had memorized them so well I began correcting people when they made mistakes. (I learned to read when I was not quite four, and I owe it to these books)

    "...and if the bathtub doesn't go downstairs to sit on the porch and scare the milkman when he brings us the chocolate cake, I'll be back to tell you another adventure."

  12. I was 5 and it was the Little House books by Laura Ingalls-Rider (spel?). I remember my mum was reading them to me and I ended up finishing them by myself before she could read me through to the end. After that I was six when I read Philosophers Stone, I remember having picked it up at my friends house and read it for like four hours straight until my parents arrived to take me home. I was such a terrible guest! Really from then on I was hooked and started my obsessive book devour-a-book-in-a-day habits.

    However I apparently knew how to turn the pages for books at a year old...maybe that's where it REALLY started.

    Lol, hope my story wasn't too boring :-)

  13. Ahh, yes. When I was very, very young, my mother used to take me to the library and I used to check out books from the "Angelina Ballerina" series. They were my favorites as a child, and they really sparked my love of reading. Those were also the books from which I learned HOW to read in the first place.

  14. The Dr. Suess books -- a good introduction to fantasy.

    I wanted to be a novelist for years until I realized that it's far more pleasant to read a book than write one.

  15. Mattie: The Story of a Hedgehog by Gordon Douglas Griffiths. Its an adorable story about a family of hedgehogs. I first checked it out in like, first grade, and I fell in love with it. Now, twenty years later, my sister gave it to me for a Christmas present and I read it all over again and still loved it.

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