
Do You Remember the Name of the Democrat who is?

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running for President? It seems like he was all over the news for awhile & I think he made a speech last night??




  1. I forget-something like O'bombduh. The guy that wants to invade our ally Pakistan. And they call Republicans "warmongers"!

  2. heh funny.

    yeah i do.

    do you remember the name of the women thats being investigated by her own state as we speak?>

  3. I know. Whats his face isnt being talked about today. lol great move McCain. We can all use the break.

  4. No, I'm not thinking I do.  Is it ALGORE?  Kerry?  Oh, wait they lost already.....  Nope can't say as I do.      

  5. You shouldn't vote if you don't even know who the candidates are.

  6. Yes, and you too will soon be calling him President Obama. Right now the media is too busy laughing at what an idiot McShame is!  GAME OVER!!!!!!

  7. O BOMB A, isn't it? Yeah, I think he's gonna BOMB...!

  8. Obapelosi I think!!!

  9. You'll remember in November because he'll be your president!

  10. Ohhh! I remember him!! I think his name was Barac Ohboma? Now all I hear is McCain

  11. Elitist socialist Obama.

  12. Junior Senator Barak Obama of Illinois  

  13. Yeah ... now what IS that boy's name again??! [roflol] ♥ ∞

  14. I cant remember. But I dont think it matters. Years from now nobody is going to care.

    Bill Cosby?

  15. uhhh Al Gore?

  16. just because your candidate has onset Alzheimer's,doesn't mean you need to follow his footsteps...

  17. do u studder... ur weird...... telling people that their studdering...

  18. Give me a minute, it will come to me...

  19. John Edwards, but Obama made a speech too

  20. Yes. I'm not an idiot. I know your memory may be shot like McCain's, but We know our candidate. McCain just had to rain on his parade. That is dirty politics. What do you expect from a republican?

  21. Edwards? He was all over the news.

  22. I think he is all over the news today too.    He just moved up 10 pts in the polls, also.  

  23. barack HUSSEIN obama some muslum/black guy trying to run for pesident.

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