
Do You See The Same Thing..With Two eyes Open and Then Just One Closed?

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I'm doing a test (long story lol)...Look In the Mirror and look at yourself and close one eye and leave the other open...and remember what you see when using just one eye to see with...then open both eyes...Do you see the same thing when you have both eyes open, just as with one eye? e.g Do you see less clearer image just with one eye open?




  1. Very rarely is your body symmetrical.  For example, one foot is  not exactly the same size as the other.  Eyes are the same.  I see very differently out of each eye and this is different yet again when I use both eyes.  

    In my case it is because of the eye condition I have and the fact that I have had a corneal transplant on one eye which needs surgery to correct the transplant.  Prior to surgery, my eyesight was not the same out of both eyes as my condition did not progress evenly in both eyes.

  2. the answer is that this will likely be different for each person who tries it.  very few people in your test will have the same exact experience.  the variables involved are:

    1) refractive error of each eye of each person who tries it

    2) potential acuity of each eye of each person

    3) how far you are from the mirror when you try it

    4) which eye is dominant in each person

    i'm sure there are even more variables involved, but those are the 1st ones that come to me off the top of my head

    everybody who tries it will likely have a slightly different experience

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