
Do You Still Have Your Plastic Wrap and Duct Tape?

by Guest66731  |  earlier

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This was another of the Republican ideas. The entire country was told by Tom Ridge of our newly-established Homeland Security Department to go buy plastic wrap and duct tape, to seal your windows and doorways and protect you from chemical fumes or clouds of radiation.

There has been some suspicion that someone, somewhere, put gobs of money into duct tape and plastic wrap, but this rumor has never been proven. In the frenzy of fear after 9/11, even small hamlets in America wanted to be prepared for a terror attack. Along with the duct tape and plastic wrap, Gov. Ridge started his Color Code, which told us just how panicked we should be. Red was the extreme danger, whereas yellow meant you should remain alert, but didn't have to start duct taping the windows.

My question is, do you still have your plastic wrap or duct tape, or did you use it to mail a package? Do you think it would save you from a nuclear explosion? Did you find the Color Code helpful at all?




  1. I always have plastic wrap for leftovers and duct tape to fix anything since I rent a complete dump and can fix anything with duct tape in here....but no, I did not use it to mail packages, I do not think it would be my savior in the event of a nuclear attack, and I do not know what the color code was or is so I can safely say it was not helpful to me.

  2. I never bought any.

  3. Duct tape and plastic wrap are things I always have in the house.  As far as what the government says, I find very little of what they say helpful.  That goes for both sides of the aisle.

  4. If it was for all the billions they wasted, then worst part of your question would be not being able to remember one of the thousands of late night jokes on that subject. Lived dangerously and never got any.

  5. Actually, there is plastic film on my windows, but it's to cut the light bill down, don't think it'll do any good in any attack. And I always have duct tape, it's the handyman's secret weapon.

  6. Don't have any duct tape or plastic !!!! They just try to justify going into Iraq !!!!! Duct tape & plastic can't help from an attack anyway !!! That's just silly . We haven't been attacked since we when into Iraq but, Bin Lanen is still out there and we haven't caught him yet !!!!! So when do you think we will catch him if ever ? Been going on 6 years now . Shouldn't they be governing themselves by now ?

  7. Seems you are disappointed you didn't have the need to use it.

    It's useful stuff ... I made a new hinge for my laptop with duct tape

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