
Do You Think Alot Of KinderGarden Teachers Would Quit If They Had To Teach s*x Ed To A 5 YYear Old??

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Because Obama wants s*x ed taught in kindergarden. Most people in my last post opposes. So I wondered if you think alot of teachers would quit if they had to?




  1. s*x education in kindergarTen is age appropriate!  Boys and girls are different. Boys and girls have private parts that no one should touch without their permission (these are parts that are covered by your bathing suits).  It is okay for mommies, daddies, and doctors to touch you if it is to help you stay clean and/or healthy.  No one else should be touching you there. If a parent does not want their child to hear this, they can opt out of the program, but I have never ha a parent request their child not take part in this Stranger Danger program.  Kids need to know what is right and what is wrong so they can respond appropriately.

    All animals have a mommy and a daddy. Mommies take care of their babies to help them grow up healthy.  

    That is the extent of 's*x education' in kindergarten.  Kindergartners are not interested in specifics. What is the big deal?!  

    Many of my students come to kindergarten knowing a whole lot more than they should about s*x because they observe what goes on in the home--with the 'adults' living there and from what they see on tv!

  2. They might be able to afford to quit, but they SHOULD.

  3. As an experienced teacher, I KNOW kindergartners will not understand all the concepts of s*x ed, all of the vocabulary (most would be hard to pronounce), and there would be too many "but why?" questions floating around. I'm not sure exactly how the parents would take to s*x ed for their 5 year old, either. I'm not sure I would quit, but if enough of my colleagues felt the same way, there could be a strike or demonstration....

  4. It depends! I feel as thou a 5 year old would not even begin to understand some of the stuff taught in s*x ed. I have a 7 year old who askes me where babies come from and it is hard to explain to him so he can understand. Therefore I guess the stress of trying to get a 5 year to understand would be enough to make a person to quit!!!

  5. I don't think teachers would quit. Although I think there should be someone well educated in the subject and experienced in presenting it to that age group coming into the classroom rather than the teacher. We have to remember that s*x Ed for a 5 year old will be very different than s*x Ed for a 15 year old or even 10 year old. It is obvious from reading many questions on here that there is a lack of quality s*x Ed in the United States. Five year old s*x ed would probably just be about body parts and good touch/ bad touch it would be very limited.

  6. I really think alot of kindergarden teachers would quit because it might be uncomfortable to teach it at such a young age. (i was freaked when they told me in the 5th grade i dont think i could have handled it in kindergarden)

  7. It wasn't specifically "s*x ed" that was to be taught. It was more along the lines of what is and is not appropriate touching. Something that perhaps should be taught at home, but isn't always. There are many tactful, non-threatening ways to do this, and teachers can be trained by professionals. Most teachers will not object. There is also the likelihood that parents would need to sign a release for their child to be in the class.

  8. This is truely crazy.I have three kids and I refuse for them to be taught this at this age.CRAZY is all I can say.I wouldn't teach this in school at this age.I have homeschooled for 3 years and things to this nature always make me stronger to believe in homeschooling and to what I'm doing is right.

  9. I would not ever teach s*x education to 5 year olds. I would leave first.

  10. Being a tpre-k eacher, and a mother of a child starting kindergarten, I feel that teaching 5 and 6 year olds s*x ed is totally ridiculous!!! Children at this age do not need to know about s*x. If they have questions about where babies come from should be discussed at home with their parent. It is not the teachers responsibility to tell a parent's child about that.

    I can see introducing 4th graders to s*x ed. I believe they are more mature at that age and they can handle the information. I taught third grade for three years, and that age group knew more about s*x than I did when I was 15.

    Obama is trying to get attention for his campaign. All he will end up doing is loosing votes. He needs to direct his attention to different aspects of education, like funding for school books, salaries, sports, ect. and leave the s*x ed to parents!!

  11. I am a teacher and I feel that Obama is trying to sensationalize his way to the White House.  No Kindergarten is for beginning skills cognitively and socially.  Five year-old's do not have the thought process to be able to fully digest s*x concepts.  I can see having beginning anatomy but my question to that is what qualifies a teacher to teach a young child about s*x.

  12. What Barack Obama said was:

    "But it's the right thing to do," Obama continued, "to provide age-appropriate s*x education, science-based s*x education in schools."

    Obama responded to the attack in 2004 by saying that he wants young children, including his own daughters, to know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching because he has family members and friends who suffered abuse at early ages.

    He also indicated in his 2004 campaign that he thought schools needed state standards which could guide them as they face basic questions about the reproductive system.

    "Nobody's suggesting that kindergartners are going to be getting information about s*x in the way that we think about it," said Obama in 2004, according to a Daily Herald clip provided by the Obama campaign. "If they ask a teacher 'where do babies come from,' that providing information that the fact is that it's not a stork is probably not an unhealthy thing. Although again, that's going to be determined on a case by case basis by local communities and local school boards


    So, basically, the kindergarten teachers wouldn't be teaching anything that they aren't already teaching in basic hygiene and personal safety curriculum that most schools already have in place.

  13. It's not s*x ed, it's an attempt (and a good one) to prevent pedophilia and inappropriate touching.  There are lots of methods that have been discussed and proven to work in an upbeat, never scary way.  I think that "where do babies come from?" is a good discussion to have in 3rd or 4th grade.  Definitely by middle school.  But this isn't really about s*x, it's about keeping kids from being sexually abused.

  14. I'm a kinder teacher and if I had to then I would but the lesson would amount to nothing bc it's a concept that they don't understand.  I'd probably laugh the whole time and and then quickly send them off to recess.

  15. Well, I know that I would.  But this is just another reason why I am going to homeschool my children.

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