
Do You Think College Students Should Be Allowed To Carry Concealed Firearms On Campus?

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I know this isn't a military question but I figured that those in the armed forces are familiar with firearms.

Whether or not you have a gun carrying license most college campuses ban all firearms.

Do you think that students with the proper license and qualifications should be allowed to carry their guns on campus? If they can get a gun permit (which are not easy to come by in some states) should they be allowed to carry on campus since they are allowed to carry them on their person elsewhere?

Do you honestly see more or less problems arising if college students were to be allowed to carry concealed firearms?




  1. Most definitely not! If you want to carry firearms, join the military and go to a war zone! That would be the perfect place to have weapons...not college, where you are supposed to be learning! I know I wouldn't want to go to a university that allows students to have weapons! To me that is out of the question.  

  2. The cops on campus are getting M-4 and AR-15 so I hope they have something to protect themselves from these thugs that call themselves the law. The last time police had machine guns on campus they murdered a bunch of kids at kent state.

    They turn a non lethal women like mace and tasers deadly. Cmon. And teachers are fighting for the right to carry too.  

  3. You should look up the stats on the number of people who die by their own weapon. Also, the mere presence of a weapon raises the stakes. It makes any attacker more desperate.

  4. Ask the parents of the students who were killed on campus !

  5. Most people will say 'No' but this is not an issue that should be addressed through mere opinion but through a study of the facts. There is strong evidence that indicates that legalized carry results in less violent crime.

    I am uncertain if it would be a deterrent in a school setting because these rampage shooters are usually suicidal anyway. It could still stop an attack sooner and save lives. (Imagine if 3 had died at VT instead of 32).

    My opinion is 'yes' though. I have a permit to carry, so when I step on campus, I am disarmed. Let me rephrase that: I am least secure when I am on campus.

    Contrary to popular belief, firearms don't "just go off" if they are carried properly. A carry permit is a *carry* permit, not a *use* permit, so misusing the firearm is still illegal and would probably result in loss of the carry permit. That applies to using the firearm to threaten or intimidate.

    I'm guessing that there would be a variety of small problems (threats, public opinion, bad press) but it could help quell some of the larger problems. They handed out rape-whistles at my university orientation, but I'd feel better if my fiance were allowed to carry her rape-pistol.  

  6. I love firearms and the right to own them, but I dont' think they should be on campus.

  7. yup.  if they have a permit, i'm all for it.  i see fewer problems if college students were allowed to carry.  the majority of gun owners with carry permits are responsible and law abiding (they went through the hassle of getting a permit).  regardless of gun control laws, criminals and lowlifes will still be able to get a gun.  gun control punishes the lawful citizen.

  8. if they can give them the mature student who have license and qulalifications then yes  

  9. i believe in the right to bear arms.  but i also believe that college campuses are no place for firearms.  and yes, i know the argument for bringing guns to campus, but i see that as weak.  the issue should be dealt with differently.

  10. Do You Think High School Students Should Be Allowed To Carry Concealed Firearms On Campus after the Columbine's incident?

    I bet the people who are thumbing down are the retards that fantasized of being able to carry gun on school ground.

  11. I see it as a major issue. The majority of college students are young and too immature to carry a handgun on them. I do realize that some may possess a concealed weapon permit, but it is a gateway to a whole new set of problems in irresponsible young adults. They'll be in the restroom showing each other their .45... and accidentally discharge a round in someone's leg... then again, there are a lot of people who attend colleges that are mature enough to concealed carry.

    I do, however, believe that school faculty should be authorized to carry on campus considering they acquire the proper licensing and background check.

  12. I have absolutely NO problem with the legal carrying of concealed weapons.  However, if the rules of the college campus are that no weapons should be carried, then that is the right of the owners of that college.  If the college is dangerous, simply go to another one IF the campus doesn't allow you to protect yourself.

    The big thing that would help is if the idiotic "professors" on campus would start insisting on CRIMINALS being punished instead of "being understood", then the situation would be almost instantly better.

  13. Yes they should be allowed, teachers also. When a crazed gunman attacks, they are helpless victims.

  14. Educational institution are places to gain knowledge, not war zones.  

  15. Well phrased question. I think that if a person qualifies to do so, has the responsibility to act properly, then yes. It's not mandatory for all.

    One problem is that the 'liberal' in liberal arts does not understand that all weapons are merely tools, and not something to be afraid of.

  16. I think that anyone who has gone through all the paperwork and training to get a concealed weapons permit should be allowed to carry that gun ANYwhere. People seem to forget that the people who carry them with a permit have gone through background checks and most places require you to take a course on gun safety. It's the people who are going to do something wrong that are the problems.....Which is exactly why we need  to have some armed civilians. You never know when something is going to happen and let's face it...if you call 911 and wait for a cop to arrive a criminal has had several minutes to do whatever crime they are there to commit. I think by banning them they are taking the power away from the lawabiding citizens and handing it to the criminals on a silver platter.

    All anyone with half a brain needs to do to see the value of an armed citizen is to open their paper on any given day. There are stories quite often about someone having to shoot a crazy person intent on hurting someone. And for those stories where the criminal prevailed it's not difficult to see that things would have ended up differently if just one person around had a gun to put things on an equal footing.

  17. nope sure don't... that would be a very BAD idea! all it takes is a second to get angry...

    honestly I would feel 100x safer knowing that other students around me do NOT have guns. the odds of a school shooting would increase if guns were permitted. instead they should just invest in high tech metal detectors. i know they aren't 1000% effective but it's still better than INCREASING the number of weapons in a classroom.

    just because you're mature enough to carry a gun who is to say your neighbor is? do you know that? and there tends to be quite a bit of theft on most college campuses...

  18. h**l no they have enough problems with kids dying from  drinking throw some guns in the mix and maybe only 45 % of kids would graduate the rest would be dead or wounded and not want to go to college anymore.  

  19. Statistic shows that more than 70% gun killing/injury were done to family members and friends, due to lose of temper. The original idea of owning firearms was to pretect oneself and family from harm.

    Students are young people that generally have difficulty controling their anger. Young people also don't think things thoroughly before taking action. Lack of guidelines is another reason why we make more mistakes (especially stupid mistakes) when we are young.

    Firearms should not be made accessble to anyone under 25, in my opinion. No one should be allowed to carry a gun in college.  

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