
Do You Think Cops Should Use Handcuffs?

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I think they use them to abuse some people, especially men that try to beat them up.




  1. Men that try to beat them up? That should be a hanging crime right there.

    What are you, a liberal fruitcake?

  2. With the nut cases that are in the world the cops should use all they can to restrain some violent man or woman.And as using handcuffs to abuse people I totally disagree.Yes! some cops do cross the line when they take advantage of a person who cannot fight back,because there hands are bound,and do take advantage no question about that.

    But look how many criminals have killed law enforcement personnel before and after handcuffs came into being,so it is like a catch twenty two so I'll take the  twenty two,and rather have that nut or violent person handcuffed when he/she is taken off to jail plain and simple.

  3. Well, yeah. They're defending themselves. Your "additional info" is absolutely retarded.

  4. If they don't use handcuffs then what do you suggest they use?

    Yes they should use handcuffs, cops are people too and the vast majority of them are just trying to do their job and get home to their families at the end of the night.

  5. Barbed wire.

  6. h**l yeah, they should use handcuffs. How are they suppose to secure the suspect, without them.

  7. It depends; it is legal but there are some situations a cop might go too far, like in Kindergarten cop when he cuffed the dead man to that lady. But of course if somebody is dangerous it is very necessary. For example, if somebody might kill somebody.

  8. Yes, they should be able to use whatever they need to restrain someone and protect themselves.  That's why they're used - to protect them.  Yes they can abuse this and hurt the person, but then it's just police brutality which is always wrong.

    Sure there are lots of bad cops, but there are tons of good ones too, and they deserve to be kept safe and return to their family at the end of a really hard day.  I think that has got to be one of the most difficult jobs in the world, where you risk your life every day.

  9. Well then, you answer your own question! I would not call it abuse, I would call it restraining, if done correctly there should be no pain, but some people thrash about despite knowing that police have the right of the law to use them, then feel some pain. They are just doing their job, fair enough.

  10. No, I suppose they can use their billy club to knock those they arrest senseless instead of simply putting the cuffs on.

  11. yes. they are used to restrain hostile people.  

  12. Absolutely.

    They're restraints & wouldn't be used if unnecessary.

  13. They should plug the criminals thumbs into their *** instead. Good practice for jail.

    Don't drop the soap!

  14. D a m n, handcuffs or bullets, you decide!

  15. anyone can be a cop and they get paid very little money. cops are low class everyday bad people with badges and guns with nothing better to do than abuse their power. where im from we call them the gestapo. i think we need either less cops, or we need to drastically imporve the standars required to be one. what do all of our taxes pay for anyway?

  16. Well its no sh*t they use them on men trying to beat them up. Handcuffs are very good tools to subdue violent people. of course they should use them. So your telling me if some guy was running after you with a knife, you'd rather hold his hand and hope he doesn't stab you then taking the knife and subduing him in cuffs?

    Btw kindergarden cop is awesome! go arnie! lmao

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