
Do You Think I Can Trust My Two BEST Friends With This...?

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well i really like this guy who hangs out in my group at school (he started hangin with us when one of my best friends started going out with one of his friends) and i really do want to tell my two best friends who he is but im really shy and i dont want them to act weird around him and me if i tell them so i havent told them yet...they are all really good friends with him and they think hes awesome so i kinda feel like its not my place to like him and its not right to like him since my two best friends like love him in a best friendy kinda way...PLZ HELP!!

im not at all worried about them being mad and its not a trust issue and they both have boyfriends already i just dont want to make it all weird

they literally said:

"awww i love _____ hes awesome!!"

they said that cause we were saying how her bf didnt talk much and that _____did, (he is her bf's friend)

Im 14 By The Way




  1. a bit of advice that you can apply to any secret ...

    NEVER tell anybody anything that you will get upset about If they tell others ...

    if you want something kept a secret the best way to keep it IS NOT TO TELL IT .. .to anybody.

  2. i think you should go for it if they dont like him like that then it shouldnt make things awkward and lifes to short to pass these opportunities up  good luck

  3. You should go out with him. But only if your pretty positive hes in to you also. Cuz if hes not its just going to make things weird when you are around him. Believe this happened to me with this one girl at my school and it turned out bad.  

  4. Spend a bit of time with him and see if he likes you back. And if he seems to, then go for it, ask him out! Life is short, what's the worse that could happen? If he doesn't like you, don't worry too much. Someone else just as good (or better!) will.

    Just go for it, or you'll never know. =]  

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