
Do You Think I Should Give My Dogs Filtered Water?

by Guest44583  |  earlier

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WE HUMANS DRINK it so why shouldn't they??





  1. I gave it too my dogs! they liked it!

    They have some at Petco. Its by Dog Whisperer.

  2. It's your choice. My dog doesn't care what she drinks. I give her tank water, it's probably better than tap water and she still drinks it.. the only thing that could contaminate it is the rocks and such that go into the tank.

  3. Remember; dogs drink from toilets............................

  4. tap water is just fine, I think if they can l**k their butts, they will drink tap water!!

  5. Ah, no!

  6. I give my dogs filtered water.  One of my boxers is white, and she gets bad tear stains from drinking tap water.  The stains disappeared within days of switching her to filtered water.

    I've also noticed that the dogs (all 3 of them) drink less water now that it's filtered, because they don't need as much.  The tap water had so much chlorine that they had to drink A LOT of it to get the same benefits.

  7. as quoted from ron white "he just ate a t**d... is there a t**d purifying machine?" think about it... dogs eat p**p, garbage, dirt, you name it!  

  8. Tap water won't kill you right away, but it isn't healthy.

    Those who disagree should actually do research on it instead of trusting people who allow our food to be sprayed with pesticides that kill.

    I always give my dogs purified water (unless we are out of course)

  9. i always give my dogs filtered water unless i'm camping. Tap water contains high levels of Chlorine and ammonia. If you notice fish you put in an aquarium won't survive in tap water.

  10. You can. Nothing wrong with it. Just more $$$, but that's up to you. Would not be practical for me, as I have two large dogs that drink over a gallon of water a day.

  11. Tap water has been shown to be just as good as bottled water for dogs and humans. Don't waste your money.

  12. you can but its not necessary, unless you want to look like a snob

  13. Why?

    Unless the water that comes out of your tap is unsafe, then there is no reason for the dogs and you not to drink it.  This silly notion that we have to drink water from a bottle to get safe drinking water is about to come crashing down.  They are hot on proving the bottles leach chemicals into the water.  The Nalgene bottles have changed the plastic they are made of already.

    If you are not sure about your water, get it tested at your water district.  Call your town for info.

    I have a well and have tested my water periodicly and it is great.  It tastes better than bottled water and I figure I save $5. to $10 per day because my family uses reusable bottles of tap water.  That's $1,825.00 to $3,650.00 per year and the cost of a really nice vacation.

  14. If you want to give them filter water thats fine. But tap water is okay too.

    People drink tap water all the time, its fine.

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