
Do You Think It's Safe......?

by  |  earlier

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To put my baby pictures up.....

not of meh.....but of my babies...ahaha

like everyone has been asking meh lately...

who thinks i should put them up?




  1. Personally, I wouldn't.

    There are fakes on here, and predators!

    So yeah...


  2. If you put it as your avatar and your 360 page is set to private no one will be able to make it bigger or save it.  I think it's safe.

  3. i dont think you shouldnt. this website has pervs that just creep me out and so much more.

    Please dont!


  4. No. You should always expect the unexpected.

    It would be okay to put them up in photobucket or flicker, but maybe not this site.

  5. A lot of people put their baby pictures up, I've noticed. They must think it's safe. But there are very few pictures of older kids. It's interesting.

    You've got a picture of yourself up as your profile picture, so you seem comfortable with posting pictures of yourself on the internet. Why shouldn't that cover your babies too? I personally would love to see pictures of your babies, but don't let that change your decision. I would do it if I were you, but if you don't feel comfortable with it, then don't. I can see why you wouldn't.

  6. I wouldn't put pics up of my children for the world to see, but like on myspace, my profile is set to private and only my 'friends/family' have access to viewing my pics!

  7. I refuse to put my pics on this site so I wouldn't put my child's up either.

  8. Well if you did make fake names. And dont say there real names soooo not safe.

  9. I don't know. I probably wouldn't.

    I only have real pictures of me on myspace but my default pic is just an icon saying thing.

  10. NO you don;t want creepy stalker dudes with baby-fetishes to get pleasure from your babyies' pictures, do you???

  11. No, do not do that.  It sounds too risky.

  12. Personally i think it's safe. I am an open person and i am not too worried about someone coming to my house based on the picture of me and my daughter, n=i don't give out my address or full name, so it would be hard to find us off just our pictures lol, so i think its safe

  13. Personally, I don't like putting up pictures of my kids.  You never know what some weirdo might do.  I know a few people who had their photos "stolen" and someone claimed them as their own.  Its creepy.  That being said, I love looking at people's profile pic and seeing their cute kids.  It makes me want to have another baby of my own (even though its not possible).  As long as you offer NO personal information about yourself or your kids, then I guess its kinda okay.

  14. i think its safe if u think it is. i jus always think of sick freaks that will save em for their personal use. buit i dont think it would give u any bad mom points

  15. i personally wouldnt on here.

    oh to the person who said its not possible to make the picture bigger. it is possible. when i read your answer i tried it and it was very simple actually. all you have to do is copy the pic, then paste it to microsoft word. then you can make it any size you want.

    im not wierd or anything, i just like proving people wrong ☺


    so i think its a bad idea to do it on here. on myspace, its different cause you can set it to private, and if you only allow poeple you know and are friends with to be friends with you , then its ok. as long as your default pic isnt of your child/baby

  16. i would like to see them but i wouldn't post them up what are their names?

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