
Do You Think Jane and Alec are in Love?

by  |  earlier

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ok, i know that they are brother/sister, twins. But i dunno... a lot of the things they do seem to clue in on something a little bit m o r e than sibling love. like when the two greeted eachother in new moon, with such LOVE in their voices and how they held eachother. like holding hands openning doors for jane and stuff... i dunno. seems a little bit moree like love. maybe they fell in love being vamps together. human memories are only vaque anyways.... <3 .

what do you think?




  1. Of course! come on!

    Who&#039;s Jane and Alec?

  2. to answer this question NOT A SPAM

    go to these following websites that have all the answers


  3. yeah it always seemed that way to me too...but i think all of the volturi have really creepy tendencies.

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