
Do You Think Matt Damon Would Make A Good Captain America?

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0 LIKES UnLike Do you think Damon has what it takes to carry the shield in the upcoming film?




  1. He's not tall enough. No!

  2. The picture they show alongside him is the Bucky Barnes version of Captain America...that I could see him play. But if your talking "the" Captain America (Steve Rogers) I can't see him in that role. For one he's too small, Captain America has a physical presence that whosoever is casting has to take into consideration also I don't think Matt Damon is an actor who can inspire awe when he speaks.

    They need an actor w/ physical presence and the acting chops of Morgan Freeman

  3. no he's too wooden

  4. It's an interesting choice, and I never thought about it before.  However, I think Marvel Studios should find an unkown actor, ala' Jack Hughman as Wolverine.  See how things worked out for him.  Also, Marvel could save money and spend it on the movie FX and not the d**n actors!

  5. I think so but i know he would be perfect for the 'Bio-Shock' movie as Jack (players character). He's got the look and skills for both.

  6. Never really thought of it before but I think he would make a good Captain America.  He does have a good look for the part and we know from the Bourne Indentity movies that he can handle the physical requirements for the role.  I now hope he does get offered the part and takes it.

    He could also make up for what Ben Affleck did to Daredevil.

  7. I would ask this question in the Celebrity forum, not Comics and Animation, cause all us comic book geeks will say Matt isn't cool, strong, big enough  

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