
Do You Think My Parents Should Have Done This??

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Ok so i woke up this morning to find my daughter out of my bed and in my mothers arms out of my room, my dad had came in here while i was asleep and took Destiny to my mom. I am so very pissed off, for 1 they violated my privacy and for 2 they took my daughter out of here without my permission. Does anyone else feel they have the right to do this?

Because my mom got pissed off at me saying where else would she be! thinking she has this right to take her while i am asleep. She was perfectly fine next to me, she was not crying.




  1. From what I understand by reading this, you are living w/ your parents.  Have you asked them to not go into your room w/o your permission?  I don't really think you should be that mad at them for taking your child- it's not like they left the house with her.  They are her grandparents, they probably just wanted to do what all grandparents do- love on thier grandbabies.  I think you should camly talk w/ both of them and let them know how that made you feel.  It's difficult living w/ your parents, and there can definatly be a lot of tension because of it.  If I were you, I would save all the money I could so that I could have my own place.  I also think you should feel lucky that you are even able to stay at your parents house right now.  Obviously they love you and want whats best for you and your daughter.

  2. Yah, I agree with Me. (no, not me, the other responder named "Me")

  3. Yeah i would be mad too. At the same time they probably didnt mean to offend you. Tell them next time to ask and if you're sleeping then wait till you and baby are awake, eventually the baby will wake you :).  

  4. No, that c**p pisses me off too.  My MIL invited herself to stay with us a week after the baby was born.  She came into my room and took him out of his bassinet.  i woke up and noticed she took him.  I flat out told her "don't take him from me again."  And she TRIED to tell me "well he was crying for a long time."  He wasn't.   I started locking my bedroom door after that.  Make it clear NOW, other wise it will get worse.  Now each time I get my son to fall asleep for a nap, I put him in his crib, she goes in and starts to poke at him and wake him up.  Then if he doesnt get his nap he gets very fussy and starts fighting his sleep which is no fun for anyone.   I get him on a strict schedule and she screws it up each time she comes to visit.  THe main thing is getting it straightened out now.  It is YOUR baby, not theirs.  Dont let anyone tell you different.  

  5. How was your child removed from your side while you were asleep and you didn't wake up is the more important question?  At least it was her grandparents and not a stranger.  You should pick your battles and this doesn't sound like one that you should pick.  

  6. I can absolutely see your view on this. But maybe your parents didn't see anything wrong with this, at least your daughter is ok. Let your parents know that you don't want this to happen again, and look past it, don't hold it against them for too long. I hope they will listen to you and respect you as a parent and respect what you want concerning your daughter.  

  7. I think you are making too much out of this. You should be thankful for parents that want to help. I have Grandchildren and I would never be expected to have permission to take them into another room, even if I came in the room as you were sleeping. My girls would probably thank me for it.

  8. I would be ticked too. It sounds like you are living with your parents. I couldn't deal with that. These kinds of things are impossible to control when its not your house. So if you do, I suggest you move out if you can and if not maybe put a lock on your door to enforce your privacy.  

  9. I can understand that it was upsetting to wake up and find that she was not there.

    I think it is important to find out why they took her first.

    If it was just because, then ask them politely to not do that again because it scared you and that you really don't like her being held all the time, since it can make it more difficult when they won't be around to help.

    If they are going to be around all the time- like you live with them, you need a real heart to heart and maybe some counseling cause it can get difficult to set up healthy boundaries.


  10. If you are in the process of moving out just don't sweat it then.  Tell her please ask me before taking her.  You will be on your own very soon so she won't be able to do it anymore soon.

  11. THEY DID WHAT??!!!!!!!!! absolutely no right whatsoever, I don't care who any1 is, nobody has any right 2 take ur child without ur permission especially when ur sleeping! U need 2 have a firm talk with ur parents and say that u understand they want 2 spend time with there granddaughter, but they shouldn't just take her without asking u first and they shouldn't just walk into ur room while ur both sleeping. If they get pissed of about it then tough S H I T as long as u make yourself clear and they dont do it again then tell them they will just have 2 sulk!

    Sorry 4 ranting lol but it sounds jus like something my MIL wud do!

    Good Luck! x*x

  12. well as long as she was in the house and they was wanting to play with her maybe she was awake and they did not want her to fall of the bed as that can hurt

    i would see no harm in grandparents wanting to spend quality time with there grandchild

  13. Id be peed off too and id make it clear that ther never ever to pick her up without asking me as they have no right to do it. Im glad i live in my own house. Parents and inlaws think they can do what they want when u live under their roof.

  14. I guess you live with them? I don't think Id be upset about it. They are obviously helping you raise her. But, if it does bother you just talk to them. If you want her to remain in the crib until you wake up just say so. It sounds like you were asleep, she was awake, and they just wanted to spend time with her so she didnt wake you up.  

  15. You should discuss this with your parents. They should respect you and your privacy, but they may not have thought anything would upset you about taking your baby and letting you sleep.  Just lay out ground rules so they will know what to do or not do next time.  

  16. geez, don't sweat the small stuff.

  17. You got upset over nothing. They were doing you a favor.

  18. I would have been upset about invading my privacy but at least you got a little extra shut eye! Maybe they felt they were helping you out.

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