
Do You Think Native American HATE Europeans???

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Do You Think Native American HATE Europeans???




  1. Obviously!, white people took there lands rape there children, and gave them disgusting diseases!

  2. Yep,especially the chicasaw from oklahoma. What is interesting is that they act like republican patriots. Can anyone say contradictory status indicators? I had a friend that was chicasaw and all he could talk about was how he hated white people. h**l, I am white and he is half irish. Got tired of hearing it. To bad though, he had other qualities that were good. Just that the more he would go visit the folks on the reservation the more hate for white people he would come back with.

    I was born in America, I have learned how to hate from the so called other "Native Americans". I will never try to be a friend to one again and put up with the insults.

  3. As a Mohawk man, I know that there are some Native people who still harbour resentment, bitterness, hatred.  For example, when I was young I would sometimes hear my father refer to the "f***ing white man".   I eventually learned that this generalization referred not to any individual, nor to all White people, but primarily to the American or Canadian government or other bureaucracies that served to maintain the oppression  he felt so personally.
    Only the truly ignorant can deny the lasting affect of Colonialist European policies of genocide and assimilation, the destruction of ancient civilizations by assertion of assumed superiority and the imposition of religious, cultural and political systems on Native peoples, not just in the Americas, but around the world. Of course Europeans were not and are not the only people guilty of these crimes, but they were perhaps the most successful.  We are all still living with this legacy.
    This does not mean that I agree with my father's hatred, just that I understand the source of his anger.  I choose not to perpetuate the past, but to learn from it.  

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