
Do You Think Palin Was Picked Because......?

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1. Takes the glory out of Hillary's first run and "NOMINATED" woman on a ticket.

2. No one else wanted to take on Obama/Biden (no one else in repub party would do it even).

3. She's supposed to cause controversial decision in women's minds (we're not stoopid--most of us have made our minds up--Palin was not a good example as someone who stood by her own beliefs, ie., abstinence, fed. corruption, wanting Alaska to be separate from America --how patriotic is that).

4. Or why do you think she was picked-

I certainly don't think she was picked to help the Repubs win at all. She's just a pawn.




  1. I think she was chosen because she had the requirements that John McCain wanted.  I'm sure he looked at a lot of people over the past weeks and decided she was the best match.  I am certainly sure she knows more about the issues facing me and mine than anyone else, despite what they all say.

  2. She has been touted as a social conservative and a reformer while governor in Alaska-she also has big oil/ natural gas connections in that state. She backs drilling for oil in Alaska and has proposed a 70 billion dollar natural gas pipeline from Alaska down to the lower 48. that's the big reason she's on the ticket.    

  3. I think McCain those her because of her stand on political reform but more importantly her inside and current understanding of the energy crisis. As Governor of Alaska she has been managing a host of resources: she's taken the big oil companies to task (tax) something Obama talks about but has no legislation to show for it.

  4. I know why Obama was picked!  

  5. GOP thinks women are dumb and naive to vote for someone who is against women's rights.

  6. Biden was chosen to get the white ,blue collar voters who supported Hillary. Ya know,the ones' Obama said were "bitter and cling to guns and religion".

  7. IMHO she was picked as an ally in the oil debate.

    She is pro drilling in Alaska...and even tho McCain "says" he does not want to drill there.....I wonder.

    There is always an ulterior motive and we may never know the real reason....but I say....oil, oil, oil..........

  8. First and for almost she is a female, Her son is going to be deploid to Iraq, she is Alaska's governor for 2 years, she is not an  insider, she is from middle America, she is a hockey mom. she is  pro-life. She is well connected. NRA member should I go more...

  9. boring........  just another liberal rant..... yaaaawwwnnnn

  10. Another reason she was selected is because the day after she won her election, she signed three different oil contracts to drill in Alaska. She fits right in.

  11. She was picked because she is female and McCain thought he could get some votes from Hillary supporters. Plain and simple---even though it has no chance of working.

  12. NOT to make this a better country by any means.

    Mostly number 3 ...

    Definitely to secure the "base".  And to get the votes of people that will vote for a woman regardless of  issues.

  13. Oh I think she helps the republicans!

    The dems have nothing on her. On every point they criticize her on, Obama is worse!

    Experience? Can't go there! She has more than Obama.

    Foreign policy? Can't go there! No different than Obama.

    Pregnant teenage daughter? Can't go there! Obama's mother was unwed teenager when she got pregnant with him.

  14. On CNN they were saying that Mc Cain really wanted a woman to run as his VP and that Palin was the only female republican that even came close and that there really was no other female to choose from.  Obama all the way :)

  15. 1) She's not the first nominated woman on a ticket. Go do a little research on Geraldine Ferraro

    2) Lots of people would do it. I dont even know how you thought of this

    3) The fact that she was a woman probably did play a part in it. Also the fact that she is young played a part in it. However, if she was chosen simply as a woman, there are other choices that reflect Hillary's stances and would have gotten more votes. If McCain was simply pandering he should have chosen a less pro-life candidate(Palin herself did not have s*x before marrige so she does follow her beliefs. She replaced an incumbent govenor to recieve the nomination for the republican party because he was corrupt. Replaing an incumbent for nomination rarely happens, ever. She was never part of the AIC anymore than Obama was a member of the nation of Islam. The facts of her voter registration prove contrary to the claims made. ABC has reported on it in the same article that broke the "story"

    4) She reflects McCains pledge to root out corruption, even within the republican party. She also exemplifies many of the aspects of Obama's platform better than Obama himself. She has no ties to the old-gaurd washington. She brought change to Alaska through action and has actually cut earmarks rather than pledging to do it. She even sold the gubernatiorial jet because she thought it was a waste of money and cut her own salary as mayor. Other peopple have been known to repaint their jets as an homage to themselves

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