
Do You Think Pro-Choice Is Just To Have s*x?

by Guest57178  |  earlier

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For me, the only reason that i see people wanting to say that a cell is not a child is because they want to have s*x with no worries, what do you think?




  1. GOD you are being stupid beyond words, I'm pro-choice, I also believe in chastity till marraigge, but the difference between me and prolifers is that I don't believe that everyone should share my beliefs.

  2. that can be the truth sometimes most people do it for selfish reasons like they cheated on the wife or husband how ever I feel any reason other then death to the mother or rape or incest is just not right you should have the baby and keep it or give the baby up to someone who would give the baby a good and happy life killing is never the right answer but thats just what I think  

  3. i think you are an idiot.pull your head out of your *** and stop believing and spreading this bullshit might also help us all out by sterilizing yourself

  4. I think they are for each individual to have the right to choose what they feel/want for themselves.

  5. i think whatever you think is good for you, but if i were in your shoes, i would avoid telling that to other people.  especially women.  

    basically what you said is that people who support womens rights are promiscuous and have little responsibility...

  6. absolutely not.  i think pro choice is about making your own desicions  based on your life and the situation your in.  some people may abuse it, but no rape victim wants to carry around a child that will burden them and remind them of an awful past.

  7. I say abortion is a good thing. Its your body and i say do what you want with it, if you get raped and cant afford to pay for a child the kids life would be terrible, abortion is fine and im catholic.

  8. I think you're a virgin, Will.  The world is a lot more complicated than you think.  

    The subject is about governmental intrusion into the most personal decisions of our lives.  People have to be free to make the difficult decisions that only they can make.  It's fine to offer whatever help you can to people, but it's draconian to mandate what the decision has to be.

    On the subject of which you speak..  do you think that a prohibition on the practice will stop folks from gettin' it on?  Will it stop rape?  Will it stop incest?  Will it stop poor judgment made in the heat of passion and clouded by the inexperience of youth?  And will it stop back-alley 'doctors' from performing their deadly craft in unsanatary conditions, leading to the deaths of thousands of poor women as well? While the well-off ones will merely take a little trip to Canada to have business taken care of?  No, it will stop none of this.  Some of it will be made worse.

    I've done my part by never causing an unwanted pregnancy..  I suggest you do the same.  Then, stop worrying about the actions of others that do not affect your life in the least, and offer whatever help to your neighbor that you can when you see them in a difficult situation.

    This is how we make the world a better place, not by making a new class of criminals where there were none before.

    Be the change you wish to see in the world, and keep your mind open.  I hope this helps your path to understanding.

  9. You really really really wish you had a womb don't you.

    You can't stand the fact that women are in charge of reproduction from beginning (by chosing a mate) to the end.


  10. you will never have to make a choice you are a man. All women should have the right to make all the choices that effect there lives. The day you give birth to a baby you can open your mouth again. So many women lost there lives in back ally abortions. Thank god are daughters have a choice. No s*x causes all the worries get it.

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